So today...
I sent letters I've been meaning to send... filed taxes (actually get some money back!)... got a music substitute job for tomorrow and got 3 days of substituting after Spring Break :)... which is in 2 days :)... had a great chat with Lily :D... power went out which led to more productivity (specifically organizing/cleaning my room)... and led to lighting all of my sister's candles- pictures to follow- then playing trivial pursuit by candlelight with said sister and brother-in-law :)
I am finding it interesting that I have all this joy even with the craziest class I have had to substitute thus far... and I would even do it again! I guess I am learning to get over the disappointments and frustrations, learn from them, and find the joy in the small things! :)
Earlier this week...
I had the blessing of seeing Julia play with the opener downtown Charleston. I actually ran into her before the show and it was such a blessing to catch up and be able to discuss similar circumstances! It was also wonderful talking about different perspectives of history, slavery, coffee prices, and just to see a familiar face! :) Julia was great, as to be expected, and I loved that she was singing harmonies- then again I have found I am a sucker for singing harmony ;) *side note- I think most people probably sing along to the melody of songs they listen to on their ipod... while cleaning I found I was singing the harmony to songs :P... no one was home ;)* It was great to see the musicality in the acts that I saw before heading back to my current abode!
That's all for now so I am ready for elementary music in the morning... hair cut & highlights in the afternoon... final packing in the evening :)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
fascinating how the big change of last year has become the comfort level of this year...
... it was around this time last year that I went to the hair salon and got my hair cut for locks of love... then told her to have fun resulting in a fantastic hair cut that had my hair the shortest it had ever been :) I loved it right from the get go and it suited me just fine... so much so that I haven't grown it out past my shoulders since then even though I could have!
Just realizing that today made me realize how that was a risk that I took which resulted with something new for me. It was so drastic that people that I had known for 17 years didn't recognize me. At this point the new acquaintances that I'm making have seen pictures from merely 6 years ago and don't recognize that being the same person.
At the church I have been going to they have been talking a lot about faith and making sure that it's evident in your life. Realizing the outer changes that I have taken and will continue to take (getting my hair cut again and highlights as well!) it also brings to mind the importance of making those daily decisions to strengthen the faith which will be exhibited in behavior. It's time to take larger more drastic steps and risk more to deepen a relationship with Christ that there are changes on the inside that show the fruits of a relationship with God! I want to strive to be making those choices that cause people to see the growth of spiritual maturity through my life rather than merely the outer changes.
I have also come to the realization that the church I have been attending is starting to be more of a comfort zone and I'm becoming a face that is being recognized in the congregation as someone that attends rather than a visitor. Today someone came up to me stating as much and it makes me feel good to be able to smile at more familiar faces and have less people asking me if it's my first time. I'm starting to feel more like an attender than a visitor in spite of the fact that there are less than a handful of people that remember who I am and are sure to chat with me when I see them.
After my reflection/ analogy... more of an update...
Easter is 2 weeks from now in the midst of Spring Break- the first Spring Break that I'm actually going on vacation somewhere!!!! :) Specifically to Florida to visit some friends I work with during the summer and a family friend that also lives in... Sarasota!!!! Today I was thinking about how blessed I am going to be spending Easter down there! :) Other than that there's staff work day so that means I get a long weekend and hopefully I can check online tons and get some more work before I go to Florida... also planning on getting my hair cut *as mentioned earlier... and trying something new with highlights :) A little excited to see how it will turn out!
...and now that I feel quite girly and that I have related different points together I am going to depart from the blog until I next update... maybe/most likely with pictures of how the hair cut turns out :)
Just realizing that today made me realize how that was a risk that I took which resulted with something new for me. It was so drastic that people that I had known for 17 years didn't recognize me. At this point the new acquaintances that I'm making have seen pictures from merely 6 years ago and don't recognize that being the same person.
At the church I have been going to they have been talking a lot about faith and making sure that it's evident in your life. Realizing the outer changes that I have taken and will continue to take (getting my hair cut again and highlights as well!) it also brings to mind the importance of making those daily decisions to strengthen the faith which will be exhibited in behavior. It's time to take larger more drastic steps and risk more to deepen a relationship with Christ that there are changes on the inside that show the fruits of a relationship with God! I want to strive to be making those choices that cause people to see the growth of spiritual maturity through my life rather than merely the outer changes.
I have also come to the realization that the church I have been attending is starting to be more of a comfort zone and I'm becoming a face that is being recognized in the congregation as someone that attends rather than a visitor. Today someone came up to me stating as much and it makes me feel good to be able to smile at more familiar faces and have less people asking me if it's my first time. I'm starting to feel more like an attender than a visitor in spite of the fact that there are less than a handful of people that remember who I am and are sure to chat with me when I see them.
After my reflection/ analogy... more of an update...
Easter is 2 weeks from now in the midst of Spring Break- the first Spring Break that I'm actually going on vacation somewhere!!!! :) Specifically to Florida to visit some friends I work with during the summer and a family friend that also lives in... Sarasota!!!! Today I was thinking about how blessed I am going to be spending Easter down there! :) Other than that there's staff work day so that means I get a long weekend and hopefully I can check online tons and get some more work before I go to Florida... also planning on getting my hair cut *as mentioned earlier... and trying something new with highlights :) A little excited to see how it will turn out!
...and now that I feel quite girly and that I have related different points together I am going to depart from the blog until I next update... maybe/most likely with pictures of how the hair cut turns out :)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Realization of access so that I can update the blog at the school I'm working at...
:) I found one more thing that I spend time with my sister waiting for substituting to start!
Today I get to be my sister for the second half of the day since Bob comes back from Iraq today... Melody is a little excited ;) It should be good rest of the day!
In the past few weeks Melody has been sick, so things have been pretty low key. I didn't take as many sub jobs, but finalized plans formy first ever vacation that I'm taking during spring break! I decided that since I'm pretty close to Florida and that since it was suggested by some people I know in the Sarasota area that I should go there during the week :)! I've also realized that a family friend that I've known my whole life lives in thatarea these days and it might be nice to visit her where she lives now rather than the few times I see her in NY during the summer. So I bought my bus ticket from Greyhound- picked it up at the station that is ghetto, to the point that my sister says she's not leaving me until I am on the bus... so I'm sure that the trip will be an adventure! I leave in 15 days and am slightly excited!
Otherwise I have officially been accepted to graduate school & now it's a matter of setting up a time to meet at the school or via phone to get my schedule set for the Fall :) I have also decided that the first school that I have applied for graduate school will also be my last since it's a good school and if I want to focus on pedagogy itself I could take a few classes during my graduate and maybe have that focus for my thesis! I also have realized that I may take more time there since I will probably take some theater classes so that I can work towards duo-certification... hoping to be certified in Theater as well by December... at the latest May :)... who knows I might be able to be the usual busy being that I have been in the past and take more classes... that or maybe I'll take 3 semesters for my graduate program/undergraduate finalization of theater! :)
This past weekend we went to Mepkin Abbey Gardens *picture below* which were really cool- it was a nice day... we'll be going back there another day to see the abbey itself! :)
And that's life for now...
Today I get to be my sister for the second half of the day since Bob comes back from Iraq today... Melody is a little excited ;) It should be good rest of the day!
In the past few weeks Melody has been sick, so things have been pretty low key. I didn't take as many sub jobs, but finalized plans formy first ever vacation that I'm taking during spring break! I decided that since I'm pretty close to Florida and that since it was suggested by some people I know in the Sarasota area that I should go there during the week :)! I've also realized that a family friend that I've known my whole life lives in thatarea these days and it might be nice to visit her where she lives now rather than the few times I see her in NY during the summer. So I bought my bus ticket from Greyhound- picked it up at the station that is ghetto, to the point that my sister says she's not leaving me until I am on the bus... so I'm sure that the trip will be an adventure! I leave in 15 days and am slightly excited!
Otherwise I have officially been accepted to graduate school & now it's a matter of setting up a time to meet at the school or via phone to get my schedule set for the Fall :) I have also decided that the first school that I have applied for graduate school will also be my last since it's a good school and if I want to focus on pedagogy itself I could take a few classes during my graduate and maybe have that focus for my thesis! I also have realized that I may take more time there since I will probably take some theater classes so that I can work towards duo-certification... hoping to be certified in Theater as well by December... at the latest May :)... who knows I might be able to be the usual busy being that I have been in the past and take more classes... that or maybe I'll take 3 semesters for my graduate program/undergraduate finalization of theater! :)
This past weekend we went to Mepkin Abbey Gardens *picture below* which were really cool- it was a nice day... we'll be going back there another day to see the abbey itself! :)

And that's life for now...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Tough decision... other decisions made... continued experiences
I had to make a tough decision about a job opportunity that came along that would be good to have in the fall... but had a lot of buts. I had the opportunity to start teaching private piano lessons, which eventually I definitely want to do, but I have to remember as my Mom said no matter where I am someday I can do that :)! The issue would have been that it would be on Saturdays... starting in June... which anyone that knows my summer work schedule working at camp and how exhausted I was last summer sees the red flag go up immediately... it took me a few days to see past my optimism to make it work to see the reality that it wouldn't be fair to the students, camp, or myself to do both- Another point of consideration... this job would be connected through the family that I am hopefully being a nanny for in the fall so I have to believe that God knows where he has me in the fall and I can just relax...
Speaking of the Fall... I haven't officially received my acceptance letter but the head of the department sent me the health paperwork and basically told me acceptance is waiting on my last recommendation :) Once I officially decide to officially go there I will give more details :)*
Also at one point I thought about how with graduate school I hope to substitute... which would mean I would need a vehicle to get there from whichever school I'm at... my parents offered a vehicle, but I thought that it might be time to get my own- but then realized... I can get one later and then not have to worry about the income to afford it throughout graduate school and then if I get the work I can save it towards a car :)
This week I'm getting a lot of substitute experience... that is I work with grades K-8... doing Math, Science, General Music, Band, and Dance... at different schools in the district... different rules... different behavior standards... I find the schools I'm unfamiliar with that Elementary General Music is not as wonderful as my placement for student teaching was... but then again I was quite spoiled there ;)
With all the decisions being made I had to hear the truth from my parents which was a little tough. The whole piano lesson option was one that I was very stubborn on and it's hard for me to step back and take a look at everything. Thus far it's only been my family and less than a handful of friends that have been able to give me the honest truth and not back down... because they're right. Which is hard when I get into my stubborn ruts and only see one thing. I'm coming to appreciate those people that are able to do that and coming to the realize that I've grown up. I have grown to understand the quality of that firm truth and the strength they have to stand by it until I come around. I find that personally I want to be the one right all the time but am finding that the only way to get closer to being right is learning to admit when I'm wrong and moving on.
On completely different topics... saw The Book of Eli- it was amazing... planning on seeing Alice in Wonderland soon- that looks incredible- music sounds great... Spring break is finally in sight... which means I have to start planning it soon... that and seeing other friends around the area because before I know it I will be back in NY... I think the count is in the 80s now- I'm not counting... my sister is :p
In the midst of the routine I am finding the route to take for my future, learning things that are causing me to mature in my faith and as a person, continuing to find enjoyment in the small things, and discovering the random personality that I have is allowing me to take and cherish every second as it comes! In the midst of everything I am finding God leading me to where to go and equipping me now to be ready when I reach there :)
*about all of the nonspecific information
At this point I feel that I need to work through it over conversations rather than broadcast my life completely online... where people just read it- it's another story, but there's the lack of connection to that person *which I actually feel is a disconnect that text conversations have... speaking of which... it's March which means I've officially survived 2 months without text conversations such as aim (actually deleted it from my computer), facebook, and text message conversations- my current rule only allowed to send 5- At some point I may elaborate on this, but for now this is a brief statement to explain my opinion of the negative influence I am seeing through instant written word communication... that and I'm proud of myself sticking to it and am thinking at this point that I probably will continue to do so after the year is over- it will be interesting to see how it turns out this time next year
Speaking of the Fall... I haven't officially received my acceptance letter but the head of the department sent me the health paperwork and basically told me acceptance is waiting on my last recommendation :) Once I officially decide to officially go there I will give more details :)*
Also at one point I thought about how with graduate school I hope to substitute... which would mean I would need a vehicle to get there from whichever school I'm at... my parents offered a vehicle, but I thought that it might be time to get my own- but then realized... I can get one later and then not have to worry about the income to afford it throughout graduate school and then if I get the work I can save it towards a car :)
This week I'm getting a lot of substitute experience... that is I work with grades K-8... doing Math, Science, General Music, Band, and Dance... at different schools in the district... different rules... different behavior standards... I find the schools I'm unfamiliar with that Elementary General Music is not as wonderful as my placement for student teaching was... but then again I was quite spoiled there ;)
With all the decisions being made I had to hear the truth from my parents which was a little tough. The whole piano lesson option was one that I was very stubborn on and it's hard for me to step back and take a look at everything. Thus far it's only been my family and less than a handful of friends that have been able to give me the honest truth and not back down... because they're right. Which is hard when I get into my stubborn ruts and only see one thing. I'm coming to appreciate those people that are able to do that and coming to the realize that I've grown up. I have grown to understand the quality of that firm truth and the strength they have to stand by it until I come around. I find that personally I want to be the one right all the time but am finding that the only way to get closer to being right is learning to admit when I'm wrong and moving on.
On completely different topics... saw The Book of Eli- it was amazing... planning on seeing Alice in Wonderland soon- that looks incredible- music sounds great... Spring break is finally in sight... which means I have to start planning it soon... that and seeing other friends around the area because before I know it I will be back in NY... I think the count is in the 80s now- I'm not counting... my sister is :p
In the midst of the routine I am finding the route to take for my future, learning things that are causing me to mature in my faith and as a person, continuing to find enjoyment in the small things, and discovering the random personality that I have is allowing me to take and cherish every second as it comes! In the midst of everything I am finding God leading me to where to go and equipping me now to be ready when I reach there :)
*about all of the nonspecific information
At this point I feel that I need to work through it over conversations rather than broadcast my life completely online... where people just read it- it's another story, but there's the lack of connection to that person *which I actually feel is a disconnect that text conversations have... speaking of which... it's March which means I've officially survived 2 months without text conversations such as aim (actually deleted it from my computer), facebook, and text message conversations- my current rule only allowed to send 5- At some point I may elaborate on this, but for now this is a brief statement to explain my opinion of the negative influence I am seeing through instant written word communication... that and I'm proud of myself sticking to it and am thinking at this point that I probably will continue to do so after the year is over- it will be interesting to see how it turns out this time next year
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