Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's been a while :)

I came to the realization that it's been a while since updating and I have some free time at the moment :)

I am now officially a certified teacher! In itself a exciting accomplishment- with the bonus that now I am getting paid appr. 43% more than before certification is quite nice and will enable me to get a cushion, which will be nice to have for my unknown fall.

Speaking of which, still looking at schools and actually finding the possibility of teaching and getting my master's simultaneously- and possibly having my sister work at the same school. Which is wonderful- but means I have to get all the application details done for that as well, since with the economy as it is teachers are a bit more keen on trying to have a job! Speaking of a job though I am planning on sending in my Beaver Camp Application within the next few days so hopefully will be returning for a 4th summer! :)

Random fun facts- I got my hair cut midway between my original cut in March and the cut for the summer in June... which means again it's too short to put up, but that keeps me from being lazy and doing that hairstyle all the time! Also Melody thought it would be fun for both of us to try on these prom-esque/ cocktail dresses to see how they would look. One of them happened to be white and I realized with some adjustments I could easily have bought it for $50! :) I'm sure my parents would love me coming back from SC with a wedding dress :P

Other than that, weather is getting to be slightly warmer- won't say how warm for those in the North, but don't get too jealous since it's been raining a bit. That and currently I'm working through either a weird cold or sinus/allergies? from being here... but I've figured out something that seems to be helping so hopefully I'll be fully adjusted soon... that or realize what I'm allergic to and start allergy meds.

Days Substituted: 12
Days scheduled to substitute at this point: 5
Beach Wedding Appropriate Apparel tried on: 1 *I was informed on this one I should have taken a picture... although Melody thinks it would be fun to lend her engagement ring and actually go into David's Bridal saying I'm engaged... we'll see about that one
Movies watched at the base theater: 2
Churches visited: 2 *I believe I found the church
Days without mail in the mailbox: 3 * we believe someone might be stealing the mail here :(... but we went to the post office to get a box and have the mail forwarded :) so it should be all set

Hopefully soon it will be nice out, so that Melody and I can go on a photo excursion somewhere... until then here's your brief update from SC :)

P.S. I've officially been here a month :)

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