Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Update time!

I have found that I am rediscovering motivation and peace in my life. With that I felt it appropriate to share some of the reflective moments I have been having and some stories of the semester.

Update on Life
I have my grades back, except for two classes and I must say that I am pleased with the way that they turned out. The amount of time spent for classes was not too crazy, but there will be some challenges with them next semester. Specifically this past semester I took 3 graduate classes which was a lot of reading, writing, and *gasp* math/ statistics. I also took voice lessons, conducting, and woman's choir. I felt that a good amount of my time was consumed by that graduate work, but felt I can be more disciplined in the other courses. So next semester I am taking 2 graduate classes *the offerings for the semester weren't the greatest for me since two of them I took this past semester and the other classes of interest either had a schedule conflict or they canceled :( But I decided to work on my practicing disciplines so am taking an extra voice credit, taking piano lessons, and continuing with woman's choir *specifically observing the conductor to continue to invest in the growth of my conducting skills.
Work at my 3 consistent jobs continues. Being a nanny has days that I really enjoy and days that I would love to sleep in a little longer or do homework. I have found that it can really drain me quickly, which is not the best thing with all that I have taken on. Working as a Director of Youth Ministries is really enjoyable for events planned, but also it can be overwhelming at times. The program is really small so a lot of the work is trying to make connections to youth of the community and bring them to seek out their faith at the church. Being new to the area that presents a challenge as I am familiarizing myself with the church traditions while they are in the midst of making changes to try to make it more welcoming. Accompanying constantly challenges my piano chops, but also my patience and communication to the vocalists I accompany. I hope that with piano lessons, to reinforce better practicing/learning techniques, paired with experience from this semester that things will be clearer and smoother.
And that is basically my life in a nutshell, school and work. I also attend RIT's Campus Crusade and hope to get involved with them some more in the future, but at this point I'll save elaborating for later.

Random Occurrence
For voice lessons and conducting I had been asked to bring my camera to record myself. One day after conducting in woman's choir and practicing on the grand piano, I accidentally left the camera on the piano bench. The following day I was looking for my camera and my conducting professor informed me she found it and put it in the music office. I gladly grabbed the camera, put it with my books, went to class and thought nothing of it.
Later as I was showing someone some pictures on my camera I started to realize that there were three with people I did not know! Specifically there was a picture taken by this guy making an confused expression! *I may add it here later* I was quite confused and amused by this and thought maybe someone decided to take advantage of the fact that there was an unattended camera.
A few weeks went by, thought nothing of it, and the Christmas Gala came for the choirs. After the performance I was looking for my parents, who came, and I noticed this guy looked familiar then realized- the guy was the one from the picture on my camera! I lost track of him, but after I found my parents and was about to leave saw that I was going to walk by him. Since I have guts and had to know I introduced myself explained the pictures on my camera, to which he started to laugh! He mentioned he was the culprit and explained that he was in rehearsals for a show and thought the pictures would be amusing to whomever owned it. I knew someone acting in that show, 42nd Street, and told her the story and she got a kick out of it. At this point since I have her as a connection I am thinking the favor should be repaid, maybe with a sign saying "break a leg".

Future Thoughts/Current Reflections
I have been thinking on the past year and my resolutions and particularly been contemplating what to do next year.
Brief assessment of this past years resolutions: I feel that it was a success with what I set out to do, but feel that there is space for revision. Specifically I limited texts and typed conversation. I took away chat altogether. This freed me up tremendously with my compulsive responses, which also led to me feeling with my cell phone to always have it on hand... in the case that someone contacted me. On the other hand it made me realize that that in itself was not the full problem that I have with text conversation. The biggest problem is the fact that I can tend to be clever and borderline flirtatious, which is not what I want to be the case. I find that I get uncomfortable with flirting and that I may be the root of that discomfort. *I might elaborate on this subject in the future, but again trying to keep this less lengthy*
Thoughts for this years resolutions: Keeping my typed conversation away from flirtation* and attempting to start completing things on my bucket list, which I will elaborate on these more as the new year approaches. I especially find that by typing these resolutions and continuing to type about them that this blog has been an accountability tool for myself.
*specifically trying to abide by the standards of Philippians 4:8- true, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy*

To end I will give a sneak preview of one of the bucket list items that I know will be pursued- a triathlon! I will be doing it with two women I admire and will be registering soon! In the case all the exclamation points have not addressed my emotion concerning this- I am super excited!

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