The past few weeks have brought many changes.
I officially submitted all my paperwork to substitute and officially substituted Middle School Band last Tuesday. It went a lot better than I had expected from previous experience with band and that age group and the fact that I didn't have coffee until the afternoon.
After substituting I went to a CRU leadership meeting. I have been emailing back and forth between CRU leadership to figure out how I can use my extra time to reach students on campus nearby. I have been asked to head up International Student Outreach :) They haven't had a student head that up, from what I can gather, and I'm excited to see how this goes. I have some ideas to start connecting Christians to International Students and am looking forward to seeing how they work out. At the meeting I had a prayer that I wouldn't be overwhelmed and got a speedy answer the next day.
I've been working for a church part-time and they've asked that I become even more part-time due to finances of the church. It took me aback a bit, but I realized that God is freeing up my time that I won't be overwhelmed. I'll be able to take more substituting jobs, which helps me prioritize my time and be more productive with everything and also I'd be getting paid more per day than working at the church. God's providing for me yet again.
Speaking of the church job: I'm really excited with where youth is going this year. At the beginning I knew of 2 maybe 3 youth to expect and now there are 4-5 that are coming pretty regularly. We had our first Hot Topic Sunday where we let them ask questions and worship (that is guitar and singing) is becoming a part of their meetings. We have a youth retreat coming up with many going. I'm excited at the depth of questions being asked and establishing foundations this year. Hopefully this week I'll have direction planned for the group til January... or at least until next Sunday since the following weekend is their retreat!
Today I had a nice adventure with Tamara looking for a sale that I saw signs for. Alas, it must have been yesterday and they just didn't take the signs down! Oh well, we went to Boulder Coffee Shop (I hadn't been there before) and it was great! We had a great conversation and I opened up about myself a bit, which is a big thing for me to do since it usually takes me a few years.
Other notable comments:
- I am seeing the purpose of barre chords and no longer hate them- they are still awkward when I first start implementing them, but become more comfortable with practice.
- Watching Pride & Prejudice after watching Lost in Austen made it an amusing time at Girl's Night.
- I don't know why, but evidently the time after 5:30 am, but before 6:00 am is the time that, if woken, I'm wide awake and ready to start the day... without need of coffee. This was discovered yet again when I got a substitute call at 5:40 am, clearly remembered plans of the day and stated clearly that I was unavailable that day. My time is not always my own anymore... I don't know how I feel about that.
And that concludes recent smidgens of my life, for now.
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