Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day 29 updates for Whole 30 looking at Reintroduction

I'm on day 29... the magical number of 30 is reached tomorrow and I have shopping for the transition into reintroduction.

Some thoughts as I head into this phase. I am going to attempt to still ward off sugar, but I might loosen up on not making food paleo-approved. That is on the program you are supposed to try to stay away from modified foods that you might crave when allowed to eat whatever you want. For me one thing that I was tempted to make dealt with breakfast. So on day 31, I currently plan on having banana pancakes with coconut whipped cream and fruit.... and since it is dairy reintroduction half and half in my coffee. Then 2 days back to whole 30 then onto gluten grains and so forth.

I have my gluten grain day planned out. Still figuring out details for legumes and non gluten grains, but you know there's time to plan.

It will be interesting to see how this phase takes place and see how foods are affecting my body after the detox.

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