At this point I have substituted two days... and have 5 more days scheduled for the next 3 weeks :)... keeping optimism to fill those other 5 days :)
This week I am substituting for an art teacher- focusing on media arts and drawing this week :) It feels great to be able to discuss knowledge that I learned throughout high school and through the process I have come to realize how knowledgeable I actually am in that area... although no where as knowledgeable as my sister in that area ;) Next week I get to continue in the visual arts with ceramics and sculpture which the teacher decided to schedule with me as soon as she found out I was substituting which was great.
Coolest thing happened today as far as assignments for substituting. I received my first music assignment. I got a call and was able to confirm by pressing a few buttons on the phone- which I thought was pretty cool. That and my sister got all excited as well since she mentioned I must be the preferred substitute if I am called like that. It has been wonderful to see how my sister has taken care of me getting all the substituting and sending emails out letting those in the different departments know my knowledge base and that I am looking to substitute.
It seems so strange that this time last week Melody and I were curious as to how it would work out and tomorrow makes it a week that I had all the paperwork in and was officially put down as a substitute. Since then I have 7 days in my schedule of work, in areas that I am more than comfortable with, I enjoy doing, and I get paid to do :) 2 of the placements are for 3 days in a row which gives me an opportunity to get to know the students a bit better... and is good motivation for them to behave since they have to deal with me past one day.
Another highlight today :)... it was a nice day! One student passed by my sister's classroom and started talking to me (from a keyboarding class I decided to observe). This student was one that she had not met and that's the strongest example of how students in that particular school are starting to open up and have small conversations with me... and being a big people person that makes me immensely happy!
Also that reminds me- I don't believe I have written about visiting the music/drama wing. The school's music department is known... actually they performed for Obama's inauguration ceremony... so with the knowledge of the quality of the program and knowing the choral instructor my sister introduced me to her... which at first was extremely intimidating- first thing she asked about was my piano skills and asked me to play something from memory... right then- I played something I wrote a bit but completely blanked on all that I knew... the next time I stopped by she had me come up with a transition from one key to the next *for those not completely understanding- brought two bits of a song with material of it cut and put it together... again somewhat intimidating but I like messing around with composing so actually that seemed too easy for me... long story short I have become more comfortable with being thrown in and allowed to share my knowledge with the students in that capacity. The teacher seems to enjoy the fact that I repeat a lot of what she has been telling the students which helps them realize the importance of what she is saying to a deeper level and I am coming to appreciate that she is pushing me forward and helping me be ready with the skills I have for whatever circumstances may bring.
This weekend is another long weekend which will be nice to spend some time with my sister... we're planning on going to see The Blindside at the movie theater on base which I have heard is good and the weather is supposed to be pretty nice as well! I am looking forward to my first official day substituting music... middle school band to be exact!
List time since being in South Carolina:
Days substituted: 2
Days scheduled to substitute: 5
Times to the beach: 1
Times downtown: 1
Churches visited: 1
Cups of Coffee: usually about 1 a day... surprise surprise- not bouncing off the walls!
Drove the car: 1
Visited Starbucks- Target: 1
Had Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream- twice... they were accurate servings :)
Hokey so... tired of listing at this point... and substituting in the morning- jeans and school spirit shirt tomorrow, going to sleep soon, long weekend almost here, and feeling blessed and that God has prepared the way = me :)

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