I really felt that my life is going in the same direction to a certain extent. I trust that God is THE organizer. I trust that he knows how I will get from where I am here to the plans that he has for me. I trust that the trip is going to be wonderful and "exceedingly and abundantly above all I could hope for or imagine" (changed from Ephesians 3:20- we to I). I trust that he will open the options and make provisions for where I am supposed to go and what I am supposed to be a part of. I need to make sure that I am equipped financially in the provision he has for me here and that I am able to pack & organize what I am learning and all that I have to be ready for his purpose, when it is revealed.
That is a quick thought/revelation that I had :)
Now for some other more random thoughts/update
-Last trip I also challenged people that did not go on the trip to challenge me to do something... challenges included: getting a signature from a Canadian stewardess, talking to a random person on the subway (that is the tube and metro), and some other challenges that I cannot think of right now since early mornings are starting to take their toll!
-I have gone into the school to visit a few times and...
1) I am really starting to connect with quite a few of my sister's students who are amazing, wonderful, awesome people who make me smile tons!
2) I went to the music department in the school to find myself somewhat intimidated but finding that there is a lot that I can learn from the teacher there. I only hope that I will be able to invest some time in the midst of all the substituting I should be able to start... as soon as I get some paperwork from Potsdam saying I have completed the program and am waiting for New York State.
3) I am really happy with the way the weather is here because as I was beginning to enjoy the fall weather in New York... it was gone- here is seems like it is picking up where I left off :)
4) Confusing people can be too much fun!!!!
5) That's all I got for now... possibilities of future blogs is continued reminiscing of Paris/London trip with some more in depth discussion of spontaneity and challenges in the trip- I found my recommended "travel journal" that I filled out on the trip which I find to be very interesting deciphering my 15 year old self's handwriting and personality :)
This picture is of a place I may be visiting very soon... who can guess what it is?
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