The past few days have been interesting as I have been debating back and forth of resolutions for the new year and approaching the end of last years resolutions. That is of tomorrow I can return to chatting online or longer texts, if I so choose. Although as far as texts I think I still feel that if it's getting into a full fledged conversation that it's easier to just call. For facebook chat, we shall see. I feel less dependent than I was a year ago which is a freeing feeling! For new resolutions I have been contemplating them and will probably make a post specifically listing all of the grandiose plans for 2011. Specifically I think I can give a sneak preview to say that I am making resolutions to take time for myself completing things I have wanted to do while freeing up myself from the box that I tend to put myself in.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Update time!
I have found that I am rediscovering motivation and peace in my life. With that I felt it appropriate to share some of the reflective moments I have been having and some stories of the semester.
Update on Life
I have my grades back, except for two classes and I must say that I am pleased with the way that they turned out. The amount of time spent for classes was not too crazy, but there will be some challenges with them next semester. Specifically this past semester I took 3 graduate classes which was a lot of reading, writing, and *gasp* math/ statistics. I also took voice lessons, conducting, and woman's choir. I felt that a good amount of my time was consumed by that graduate work, but felt I can be more disciplined in the other courses. So next semester I am taking 2 graduate classes *the offerings for the semester weren't the greatest for me since two of them I took this past semester and the other classes of interest either had a schedule conflict or they canceled :( But I decided to work on my practicing disciplines so am taking an extra voice credit, taking piano lessons, and continuing with woman's choir *specifically observing the conductor to continue to invest in the growth of my conducting skills.
Work at my 3 consistent jobs continues. Being a nanny has days that I really enjoy and days that I would love to sleep in a little longer or do homework. I have found that it can really drain me quickly, which is not the best thing with all that I have taken on. Working as a Director of Youth Ministries is really enjoyable for events planned, but also it can be overwhelming at times. The program is really small so a lot of the work is trying to make connections to youth of the community and bring them to seek out their faith at the church. Being new to the area that presents a challenge as I am familiarizing myself with the church traditions while they are in the midst of making changes to try to make it more welcoming. Accompanying constantly challenges my piano chops, but also my patience and communication to the vocalists I accompany. I hope that with piano lessons, to reinforce better practicing/learning techniques, paired with experience from this semester that things will be clearer and smoother.
And that is basically my life in a nutshell, school and work. I also attend RIT's Campus Crusade and hope to get involved with them some more in the future, but at this point I'll save elaborating for later.
Random Occurrence
For voice lessons and conducting I had been asked to bring my camera to record myself. One day after conducting in woman's choir and practicing on the grand piano, I accidentally left the camera on the piano bench. The following day I was looking for my camera and my conducting professor informed me she found it and put it in the music office. I gladly grabbed the camera, put it with my books, went to class and thought nothing of it.
Later as I was showing someone some pictures on my camera I started to realize that there were three with people I did not know! Specifically there was a picture taken by this guy making an confused expression! *I may add it here later* I was quite confused and amused by this and thought maybe someone decided to take advantage of the fact that there was an unattended camera.
A few weeks went by, thought nothing of it, and the Christmas Gala came for the choirs. After the performance I was looking for my parents, who came, and I noticed this guy looked familiar then realized- the guy was the one from the picture on my camera! I lost track of him, but after I found my parents and was about to leave saw that I was going to walk by him. Since I have guts and had to know I introduced myself explained the pictures on my camera, to which he started to laugh! He mentioned he was the culprit and explained that he was in rehearsals for a show and thought the pictures would be amusing to whomever owned it. I knew someone acting in that show, 42nd Street, and told her the story and she got a kick out of it. At this point since I have her as a connection I am thinking the favor should be repaid, maybe with a sign saying "break a leg".
Future Thoughts/Current Reflections
I have been thinking on the past year and my resolutions and particularly been contemplating what to do next year.
Brief assessment of this past years resolutions: I feel that it was a success with what I set out to do, but feel that there is space for revision. Specifically I limited texts and typed conversation. I took away chat altogether. This freed me up tremendously with my compulsive responses, which also led to me feeling with my cell phone to always have it on hand... in the case that someone contacted me. On the other hand it made me realize that that in itself was not the full problem that I have with text conversation. The biggest problem is the fact that I can tend to be clever and borderline flirtatious, which is not what I want to be the case. I find that I get uncomfortable with flirting and that I may be the root of that discomfort. *I might elaborate on this subject in the future, but again trying to keep this less lengthy*
Thoughts for this years resolutions: Keeping my typed conversation away from flirtation* and attempting to start completing things on my bucket list, which I will elaborate on these more as the new year approaches. I especially find that by typing these resolutions and continuing to type about them that this blog has been an accountability tool for myself.
*specifically trying to abide by the standards of Philippians 4:8- true, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy*
To end I will give a sneak preview of one of the bucket list items that I know will be pursued- a triathlon! I will be doing it with two women I admire and will be registering soon! In the case all the exclamation points have not addressed my emotion concerning this- I am super excited!
Update on Life
I have my grades back, except for two classes and I must say that I am pleased with the way that they turned out. The amount of time spent for classes was not too crazy, but there will be some challenges with them next semester. Specifically this past semester I took 3 graduate classes which was a lot of reading, writing, and *gasp* math/ statistics. I also took voice lessons, conducting, and woman's choir. I felt that a good amount of my time was consumed by that graduate work, but felt I can be more disciplined in the other courses. So next semester I am taking 2 graduate classes *the offerings for the semester weren't the greatest for me since two of them I took this past semester and the other classes of interest either had a schedule conflict or they canceled :( But I decided to work on my practicing disciplines so am taking an extra voice credit, taking piano lessons, and continuing with woman's choir *specifically observing the conductor to continue to invest in the growth of my conducting skills.
Work at my 3 consistent jobs continues. Being a nanny has days that I really enjoy and days that I would love to sleep in a little longer or do homework. I have found that it can really drain me quickly, which is not the best thing with all that I have taken on. Working as a Director of Youth Ministries is really enjoyable for events planned, but also it can be overwhelming at times. The program is really small so a lot of the work is trying to make connections to youth of the community and bring them to seek out their faith at the church. Being new to the area that presents a challenge as I am familiarizing myself with the church traditions while they are in the midst of making changes to try to make it more welcoming. Accompanying constantly challenges my piano chops, but also my patience and communication to the vocalists I accompany. I hope that with piano lessons, to reinforce better practicing/learning techniques, paired with experience from this semester that things will be clearer and smoother.
And that is basically my life in a nutshell, school and work. I also attend RIT's Campus Crusade and hope to get involved with them some more in the future, but at this point I'll save elaborating for later.
Random Occurrence
For voice lessons and conducting I had been asked to bring my camera to record myself. One day after conducting in woman's choir and practicing on the grand piano, I accidentally left the camera on the piano bench. The following day I was looking for my camera and my conducting professor informed me she found it and put it in the music office. I gladly grabbed the camera, put it with my books, went to class and thought nothing of it.
Later as I was showing someone some pictures on my camera I started to realize that there were three with people I did not know! Specifically there was a picture taken by this guy making an confused expression! *I may add it here later* I was quite confused and amused by this and thought maybe someone decided to take advantage of the fact that there was an unattended camera.
A few weeks went by, thought nothing of it, and the Christmas Gala came for the choirs. After the performance I was looking for my parents, who came, and I noticed this guy looked familiar then realized- the guy was the one from the picture on my camera! I lost track of him, but after I found my parents and was about to leave saw that I was going to walk by him. Since I have guts and had to know I introduced myself explained the pictures on my camera, to which he started to laugh! He mentioned he was the culprit and explained that he was in rehearsals for a show and thought the pictures would be amusing to whomever owned it. I knew someone acting in that show, 42nd Street, and told her the story and she got a kick out of it. At this point since I have her as a connection I am thinking the favor should be repaid, maybe with a sign saying "break a leg".
Future Thoughts/Current Reflections
I have been thinking on the past year and my resolutions and particularly been contemplating what to do next year.
Brief assessment of this past years resolutions: I feel that it was a success with what I set out to do, but feel that there is space for revision. Specifically I limited texts and typed conversation. I took away chat altogether. This freed me up tremendously with my compulsive responses, which also led to me feeling with my cell phone to always have it on hand... in the case that someone contacted me. On the other hand it made me realize that that in itself was not the full problem that I have with text conversation. The biggest problem is the fact that I can tend to be clever and borderline flirtatious, which is not what I want to be the case. I find that I get uncomfortable with flirting and that I may be the root of that discomfort. *I might elaborate on this subject in the future, but again trying to keep this less lengthy*
Thoughts for this years resolutions: Keeping my typed conversation away from flirtation* and attempting to start completing things on my bucket list, which I will elaborate on these more as the new year approaches. I especially find that by typing these resolutions and continuing to type about them that this blog has been an accountability tool for myself.
*specifically trying to abide by the standards of Philippians 4:8- true, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy*
To end I will give a sneak preview of one of the bucket list items that I know will be pursued- a triathlon! I will be doing it with two women I admire and will be registering soon! In the case all the exclamation points have not addressed my emotion concerning this- I am super excited!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
sneek peek of stories to be shared when I am well rested and inspired...
First to update a little bit of life...
I am in Rochester until the Christmas Eve service, after which I will be driving back home arriving a little before if not on Christmas! So this week consists of making sure that I am all set with work so that I can enjoy next week as a vacation :) Today I have been feeling under the weather so I am hopeful that a good night's sleep will take care of that... and am drinking tea like it's my job!
Carley came over last night to have dinner and hang out. It was absolutely wonderful having her here and being able to not worry about classes and the semester. Speaking of which, still waiting to hear back on all grades but the one class I was worried about turned out fine!
The previews:
-story of random person taking pictures on my camera after I accidentally left it in a music hall
-office pictures
-and I'm sure there are more, but at this moment I am going to do as a woman I greatly respect does and retire to sleep early!
In the case that I don't manage to get on before Christmas- for all reading have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :o)
I am in Rochester until the Christmas Eve service, after which I will be driving back home arriving a little before if not on Christmas! So this week consists of making sure that I am all set with work so that I can enjoy next week as a vacation :) Today I have been feeling under the weather so I am hopeful that a good night's sleep will take care of that... and am drinking tea like it's my job!
Carley came over last night to have dinner and hang out. It was absolutely wonderful having her here and being able to not worry about classes and the semester. Speaking of which, still waiting to hear back on all grades but the one class I was worried about turned out fine!
The previews:
-story of random person taking pictures on my camera after I accidentally left it in a music hall
-office pictures
-and I'm sure there are more, but at this moment I am going to do as a woman I greatly respect does and retire to sleep early!
In the case that I don't manage to get on before Christmas- for all reading have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :o)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
One of these days...
... I'll be motivated to give a nice long elaborate wonderful post, but at this point will have to be content with a quick update on life.
Thanksgiving break was wonderful! I've never been more content to do absolutely nothing in my life :) Honestly at one moment I remember thinking "hey maybe I should be doing something" then realizing I didn't have to so I didn't.
That was besides Friday and Saturday when I was convinced to wake up early, for vacation standards, to go shopping. They turned out to be good shopping days mainly for me rather than the Christmas presents I should be getting, but now I'm done with half of the presents. That and I am finally getting ideas for the rest of the family so I'm not stressing out over that!
Today I was talking with the pastor and treasurer of the church that I work for and I came to a realization that this job is a good fit for me. For part of my job I get sent on a missions trip (that is don't have to pay for), help out another community (love when I am able to be helpful), hang out with the amazing youth at the church, get paid to do so, AND that's not part of my vacation! I was quite excited and at my excitement the pastor said that it's a good sign that I like spending time with youth. At the end of my time today I left my office the messiest I've left it... that is the papers weren't in a perfect stack... there are some items that I need to move to the storage closets... there are things left for me to do, but I had such a peace and contentment about it all. My list is constantly transforming and things are being accomplished. My only hope is that all the work I do coincides with God's plans.
The next week is going to fly by with all the work for school to do and the fact that my parent's and Lily are coming down to Rochester this weekend! They have not seen the apartment and the only time they were in Rochester, that I know of, has been for the All-State concert and, in Mom and Lily's case, for my audition to Nazareth for undergraduate.
Now for some randomness... Last time I was in Croghan I stopped by Stump's with my Mom and she informed me that those huge posters they use to advertise for movies they give away to the first person to claim them! So I claimed one that day and when I went to pick it up, saw another one I liked, and no one had claimed it! I put up the poster not 20 minutes ago and it matches the wall like it was meant to be there!
Final realization of the night since I have a big nanny day ahead of me... As I was driving home from Woman's Choir I realized that my day was what I will someday expect, hours wise, of a work day. I was at such peace about it and I think that has been the recurring theme of my life right now, one that I am thoroughly treasuring :)
Thanksgiving break was wonderful! I've never been more content to do absolutely nothing in my life :) Honestly at one moment I remember thinking "hey maybe I should be doing something" then realizing I didn't have to so I didn't.
That was besides Friday and Saturday when I was convinced to wake up early, for vacation standards, to go shopping. They turned out to be good shopping days mainly for me rather than the Christmas presents I should be getting, but now I'm done with half of the presents. That and I am finally getting ideas for the rest of the family so I'm not stressing out over that!
Today I was talking with the pastor and treasurer of the church that I work for and I came to a realization that this job is a good fit for me. For part of my job I get sent on a missions trip (that is don't have to pay for), help out another community (love when I am able to be helpful), hang out with the amazing youth at the church, get paid to do so, AND that's not part of my vacation! I was quite excited and at my excitement the pastor said that it's a good sign that I like spending time with youth. At the end of my time today I left my office the messiest I've left it... that is the papers weren't in a perfect stack... there are some items that I need to move to the storage closets... there are things left for me to do, but I had such a peace and contentment about it all. My list is constantly transforming and things are being accomplished. My only hope is that all the work I do coincides with God's plans.
The next week is going to fly by with all the work for school to do and the fact that my parent's and Lily are coming down to Rochester this weekend! They have not seen the apartment and the only time they were in Rochester, that I know of, has been for the All-State concert and, in Mom and Lily's case, for my audition to Nazareth for undergraduate.
Now for some randomness... Last time I was in Croghan I stopped by Stump's with my Mom and she informed me that those huge posters they use to advertise for movies they give away to the first person to claim them! So I claimed one that day and when I went to pick it up, saw another one I liked, and no one had claimed it! I put up the poster not 20 minutes ago and it matches the wall like it was meant to be there!
Final realization of the night since I have a big nanny day ahead of me... As I was driving home from Woman's Choir I realized that my day was what I will someday expect, hours wise, of a work day. I was at such peace about it and I think that has been the recurring theme of my life right now, one that I am thoroughly treasuring :)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
perhaps the quickest blog I will ever write...
... in the midst of my insomnia a sharing of peace...
In Woman's Choir on Thursdays we begin our time with devotions. This past week we took a small amount of time to ask God to show us something and I was reminded of all the things I have been worrying about, primarily my future and what am I doing currently. God reminded me of Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I got such a peace about God's care of my future. God spoke a little more details in that time- I think it's pretty amazing how quickly God can communicate with us if we take the time to ask for his perspective!
time to sleep so I am ready for the garage sale tomorrow!
... coming soon... The Transformation of the Office/ My Office: A Picture Adventure to Show a Part of My Weekly Life! :)... and perhaps some pictures from the garage sale!
In Woman's Choir on Thursdays we begin our time with devotions. This past week we took a small amount of time to ask God to show us something and I was reminded of all the things I have been worrying about, primarily my future and what am I doing currently. God reminded me of Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I got such a peace about God's care of my future. God spoke a little more details in that time- I think it's pretty amazing how quickly God can communicate with us if we take the time to ask for his perspective!
time to sleep so I am ready for the garage sale tomorrow!
... coming soon... The Transformation of the Office/ My Office: A Picture Adventure to Show a Part of My Weekly Life! :)... and perhaps some pictures from the garage sale!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
getting a little vulnerable...
Now I told myself that I would not get vulnerable online- that is on a blog, that if people honestly wanted to know they could ask me... well today I guess I don't really care or figure that if people are looking here they're taking the extra step...
... the past few days have been difficult for me. I have not been able to find the motivation to do the work that I have to do. Partly I have found the task, a research paper for a professor that has very high expectations, to be a little overwhelming and have become homesick. Granted during one of my homesick bits I came to the realization that the next time I go home is Thanksgiving, which is after the paper, which brought on more homesickness/depression bit. Also as I have been working people have been asking me specifically if teaching is what the plan is and frankly I don't know if that's what I'm being called to after I get my Masters... which brings me to more of a lack of motivation for courses for my Masters work. I also realized with all the jobs that I have I could be financially stable, but instead find that I am getting more debt for school and these doubts keep coming up. That and although I am starting to get the feel of the job- the job makes me feel grown up and realize that certain parts of my life may be over... specifically my time at Beaver Camp... I know that I can't be there forever, but I think that my optimism never allowed for the chance truly that there was the possibility of not returning. I don't tend to cry... well I have and probably will continue to do so... also I found it was difficult knowing that my sister was trying on wedding gowns with my other sister and mom... while I was here not being able to motivate myself to do the work that I should be doing... there is a connection between my sense of failure, emotions, and changes- that and I find that I am discontent when I am bored/ not doing work that should be done- unmotivated!
On the upside- I got back to typing and got the summary done for another one of my articles and plan on tackling the paper this week and then handing it in on the following! That and although I don't know what's happening with my Masters God has been faithful and supporting me here in Rochester. I have to hold onto that fact rather than let myself get overwhelmed, and then further behind. As for Beaver Camp I just have to trust that God knows what he's doing, he'll provide me with the strength and peace about it, or change circumstances to make it happen... I have to stop trying to control the situation and acknowledge his plans
two highlights of the weekend:
-went to woman's night and had a craving to watch 27 dresses so I watched it with two wonderful women- that is how I took advantage of the extra hour! ;)
-after moving a bunch of stuff for the rummage sale *this Saturday- yikes!* everyone that helped out shared joys and concerns and there was such a peace and community in the youth group and parents that had helped out... I am excited to continue to be a part of it! :)
... the past few days have been difficult for me. I have not been able to find the motivation to do the work that I have to do. Partly I have found the task, a research paper for a professor that has very high expectations, to be a little overwhelming and have become homesick. Granted during one of my homesick bits I came to the realization that the next time I go home is Thanksgiving, which is after the paper, which brought on more homesickness/depression bit. Also as I have been working people have been asking me specifically if teaching is what the plan is and frankly I don't know if that's what I'm being called to after I get my Masters... which brings me to more of a lack of motivation for courses for my Masters work. I also realized with all the jobs that I have I could be financially stable, but instead find that I am getting more debt for school and these doubts keep coming up. That and although I am starting to get the feel of the job- the job makes me feel grown up and realize that certain parts of my life may be over... specifically my time at Beaver Camp... I know that I can't be there forever, but I think that my optimism never allowed for the chance truly that there was the possibility of not returning. I don't tend to cry... well I have and probably will continue to do so... also I found it was difficult knowing that my sister was trying on wedding gowns with my other sister and mom... while I was here not being able to motivate myself to do the work that I should be doing... there is a connection between my sense of failure, emotions, and changes- that and I find that I am discontent when I am bored/ not doing work that should be done- unmotivated!
On the upside- I got back to typing and got the summary done for another one of my articles and plan on tackling the paper this week and then handing it in on the following! That and although I don't know what's happening with my Masters God has been faithful and supporting me here in Rochester. I have to hold onto that fact rather than let myself get overwhelmed, and then further behind. As for Beaver Camp I just have to trust that God knows what he's doing, he'll provide me with the strength and peace about it, or change circumstances to make it happen... I have to stop trying to control the situation and acknowledge his plans
two highlights of the weekend:
-went to woman's night and had a craving to watch 27 dresses so I watched it with two wonderful women- that is how I took advantage of the extra hour! ;)
-after moving a bunch of stuff for the rummage sale *this Saturday- yikes!* everyone that helped out shared joys and concerns and there was such a peace and community in the youth group and parents that had helped out... I am excited to continue to be a part of it! :)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
most likely more interesting to past Beaver Camp staff...
So I have come to realize living in an apartment that my standards of cleaning has become that of camp- that is...
When I think about if my room is clean enough I think if it would pass Todd and Mike's inspection. When in the kitchen there's almost the desire after every use to mop up... When cleaning the rest I think of how it compares to the cabins I saw at camp for cabin clean-up mixed with my parents and older sister's standards!
Maybe it's the Shelter cabin sign hanging up in the apartment?
p.s. Shelter was my favorite cabin :)
When I think about if my room is clean enough I think if it would pass Todd and Mike's inspection. When in the kitchen there's almost the desire after every use to mop up... When cleaning the rest I think of how it compares to the cabins I saw at camp for cabin clean-up mixed with my parents and older sister's standards!
Maybe it's the Shelter cabin sign hanging up in the apartment?
p.s. Shelter was my favorite cabin :)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I heard back about the Christian Education Director...
... they mentioned that they finished the process, checked with references, and... would like to offer me the job! :o)
So this week I head over to the church get a hold of the job description and begin doing the job! I had a second interview with them, which really set me to ease since the more they talked about it the more I realized that the job is a lot like what I do during the summers as an A.P.D. at Beaver Camp!
Before all that I have conducting workshops today, have to pick up heels for the concert tonight *first concert at Robert's, read/print off articles for my research class, and figure out if I am taking everything to get ready rather than driving back to the apartment...
The best thing about the timing of the job is I had been questioning about getting my final paperwork in for substituting then heard back. I could substitute, but at this point I am planning on giving myself time to settle into this job along with the current jobs I have- being a nanny, accompanist, and ropes course facilitator *although that's over for the season, but like Beaver Camp they have other things going on that they could use help... but again I get to say when I can help out! Substituting can wait for spring as well- that and with the Christian Education Director job my finances will be in good shape *I might even be able to save for paying back loans!
This is a really quick blog since I have to eat breakfast and then go to workshops... As I begin work at the church I am sure there will be more updates! :)
So this week I head over to the church get a hold of the job description and begin doing the job! I had a second interview with them, which really set me to ease since the more they talked about it the more I realized that the job is a lot like what I do during the summers as an A.P.D. at Beaver Camp!
Before all that I have conducting workshops today, have to pick up heels for the concert tonight *first concert at Robert's, read/print off articles for my research class, and figure out if I am taking everything to get ready rather than driving back to the apartment...
The best thing about the timing of the job is I had been questioning about getting my final paperwork in for substituting then heard back. I could substitute, but at this point I am planning on giving myself time to settle into this job along with the current jobs I have- being a nanny, accompanist, and ropes course facilitator *although that's over for the season, but like Beaver Camp they have other things going on that they could use help... but again I get to say when I can help out! Substituting can wait for spring as well- that and with the Christian Education Director job my finances will be in good shape *I might even be able to save for paying back loans!
This is a really quick blog since I have to eat breakfast and then go to workshops... As I begin work at the church I am sure there will be more updates! :)
Monday, October 18, 2010
finally enjoying fall as winter approaches...
This past weekend turned out to be amazing. I planned on going up to see as much of the play that my sister is in since she's kinda a big deal in the musical, the lead or something like that! Well the most that they were doing this weekend was a cue to cue, which for the unknowing is basically doing the lines surrounding scene changes/ light changes/ costume changes and that is all. So I went with Lily to that rehearsal- unfortunately they decided to eat first which meant that I didn't see a whole lot, since I made my own dinner plans which began while they were still in the process of eating. I did have a nice chat with the director- she said that they are planning on recording the show and she'd make sure I could see it! :)
The dinner plans I had made occurred due to running into an amazing woman that I ran into Crane, Anna :) I got to enjoy spaghetti, bread, and cake with her and Rob. It was great seeing them in their married wonderfulness, after passing by the house once- I found it though! The conversation was great! I realized how much I miss the great times spent with her, but cherish the great times we have had- I will just have to be sure to plan time with her in the future!
I got back to Potsdam's campus to go to IV- I realized that there were a few people I knew, but the majority were new faces- I got in touch with Lily and we played some Skip-bo with her gang and then slept :)
Saturday I met up with my other sister for maternity photos in Madrid for good friends- turned out to be perfect timing since the baby was born the next day! The pictures turned out well and I am really excited to see them edited and see them as parents!!!! I returned to Potsdam for a tradition that officially has been going since my first semester- Broadway Sing! :o) It was great singing through the show tunes and spending that time becoming more acquainted with some tunes I should know better... I have to stop procrastinating downloading/ learning some of the show tunes that keep showing up each semester!
Then spontaneity ensued for the rest of the weekend! I called Kim and found that she was spending time with Carlylina! Thus I was able to spend time with two wonderful people at the same time! It was absolutely wonderful relaxing with them and seeing how their lives are going. Then I proceeded to Kim's apartment to discover the show Friends and get things ready for what we thought would be a movie night at her apartment- what actually happened was my first skype experience, figuring out how to order from Domino's online (we didn't want to call in- that and we felt extra important making technology bring us food!), eating pizza, and then going to another friend's apartment to watch Letters to God & eat brownies! Then since Lily had to be up early the next day I made plans to meet with her in the morning, since Kim invited me to stay at her apartment! :) We then proceeded to reminisce and stay up late talking- sounds like my last year on campus with her as my roommate :)
Then I went to church the following day- great sermon by a Pastor I do not remember ever seeing, who happens to be one of my friend's, who worked at Beaver Camp, father! I wanted to say hello, but unfortunately had plans to have lunch with Lily and took some students to church in my car so had to get going back to campus. After lunch I took Lily up on her plans to go for a hike, thus the wonderful foliage shots :) It was a relaxed hike and good time spent with Lily updating her on classes and what I am learning! I then proceeded to Kim's apartment to see her for a few, turned into an hour, before heading home.
(that's my car! :o) I like it a little bit)
One of the biggest realizations/ understandings I came to this weekend was that I am feeling less connected to Potsdam... and that's okay. I have been stressed/anxious about transitions, partly since through those transitions I have been leaving places that feel comfortable, that I have been growing in, places that I come to call home. Visiting Potsdam this weekend I have realized that with the changes that it is no longer the place that was home for me and interestingly enough I was okay with it. At this point I do not really know if there is any place that I call home, in spite of the fact that I am paying to live in Rochester. It seems really bizarre to me when I think about it, but I am at peace. I can constantly get caught up in the fact that there are so many changes that are constantly happening with myself, places and people I know, which can be overwhelming. This weekend it really struck me that everything is as it should be and things will not be the same as they were and that is the way it should be! I am at peace with the tons of work that I need to do, with the uncertainty of opportunities, and with the unknown after graduate school. I am enjoying the simple unplanned life and taking each day as it comes! I am letting go of things that I can't hold onto anyway- I am investing where I am rather than yearning to invest where I am not placed- I feel such a freedom in my life now and it feels wonderful.
p.s. Side note/ another realization: I have been driving a lot and realized that there are two songs by Skillet that have spoken to me on one of their albums and came to the realization of why. One of them just is a part of me and foundation that God has set in me, a constant seeking after him in spite of all circumstances, all fears, and all the unknown! The other one was a deep tainted perspective that I had- I remember singing those lyrics and never really quite connecting it to the rest of the song, which in the rest of the song God had been trying to speak to me! Over the weekend as I sang through the song I realized I was free from that tainted view and able to see the whole scope of it! I came to realize the work that God has done in me since January :)
extra side note: I am finding that although there's the "ring by spring" mentality that I have heard for Christian colleges, that for me that experience is not resounding whatsoever... maybe that's because all of the students I know seem to be married already ;)
... and to finish the title- The past few days I have realized that I can deal with the sunshine and the cooler temperatures, but with putting on snow tires today I realize winter will be here too soon! I just find it interesting that in my life it seems that I really start to appreciate seasons right before they change to the next one- I guess it's my whole difficulties with change! Who knows, with all the changes that I have had since January and that continue to happen currently I just might get so used to them that I start to appreciate all of them every once in a while, as they are happening :o)
(pictured above is the foliage in the Potsdam area on a hike- described earlier in this post)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I have been slacking on updating...
I just realized that I have not updated on here in a while, and in the midst of my lack of motivation to study I thought managing a quick break to update would be appropriate!
I feel like I am finally getting into the swing of classes and work. At the beginning of the semester quite a few of my graduate classes gave me headaches and I thought my brain would explode from the information in them! One class in particular after an hour and a half I would be done and the teaching would continue *class is two hours forty five minutes- as are all of my graduate courses. Another discovery I made is the fact that the classes take place during the time when I have taken breaks from school work and relaxed, so that might have been counterproductive to current studying. Although I have survived that month and reached the point that I started getting the affirmation from the professor that I am doing it right. Now to discuss work- I am a nanny for a few hours a week, I am officially hired as a ropes facilitator through a YMCA camp in the area, and I have been and will be accompanying for the voice studio I am in- just need to get the details figured out! I am also in the running for a Christian Education Director job- which I should be hearing back about in a week or two... I guess they had another interviewee, but that they might be interested in interviewing me again! I wonder how that would affect my work load and can start stressing about if I get it/ not get it, but keep reminding myself God knows what I can handle and keep asking him to shut that door if that would be too much.
I have gone to two churches in the area. It seems like I have went away so many weekends, and have plans to continue to do so- which makes it difficult to connect with a church and fellowship. I attended CRU at RIT, which with all the talk of engineering made me think of my undergraduate Christian Fellowship. I have plans to go away the next two weekends as well, maybe when snow hits I will stay in the area and start settling in on that front.
Goals... Moby Dick has been on the shelf for a while- swimming has not taken place, but I ran/jogged/walked a 5 k this weekend and have played Ultimate and ran in the neighborhood!
That's life for now- I may be looking to get on the substitute list to keep up on that, that and the fact with all of the reading for graduate work that will work with giving me something to do during substituting. I'll look into it and see what opens up and works with my schedule that is getting busier all the time! In all of this busyness I am relaxed and at peace. I'm getting the work I need to get done and taking time for myself. It's a great feeling!
I feel like I am finally getting into the swing of classes and work. At the beginning of the semester quite a few of my graduate classes gave me headaches and I thought my brain would explode from the information in them! One class in particular after an hour and a half I would be done and the teaching would continue *class is two hours forty five minutes- as are all of my graduate courses. Another discovery I made is the fact that the classes take place during the time when I have taken breaks from school work and relaxed, so that might have been counterproductive to current studying. Although I have survived that month and reached the point that I started getting the affirmation from the professor that I am doing it right. Now to discuss work- I am a nanny for a few hours a week, I am officially hired as a ropes facilitator through a YMCA camp in the area, and I have been and will be accompanying for the voice studio I am in- just need to get the details figured out! I am also in the running for a Christian Education Director job- which I should be hearing back about in a week or two... I guess they had another interviewee, but that they might be interested in interviewing me again! I wonder how that would affect my work load and can start stressing about if I get it/ not get it, but keep reminding myself God knows what I can handle and keep asking him to shut that door if that would be too much.
I have gone to two churches in the area. It seems like I have went away so many weekends, and have plans to continue to do so- which makes it difficult to connect with a church and fellowship. I attended CRU at RIT, which with all the talk of engineering made me think of my undergraduate Christian Fellowship. I have plans to go away the next two weekends as well, maybe when snow hits I will stay in the area and start settling in on that front.
Goals... Moby Dick has been on the shelf for a while- swimming has not taken place, but I ran/jogged/walked a 5 k this weekend and have played Ultimate and ran in the neighborhood!
That's life for now- I may be looking to get on the substitute list to keep up on that, that and the fact with all of the reading for graduate work that will work with giving me something to do during substituting. I'll look into it and see what opens up and works with my schedule that is getting busier all the time! In all of this busyness I am relaxed and at peace. I'm getting the work I need to get done and taking time for myself. It's a great feeling!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
quick note... perhaps
So it looks like I have a part-time job, which I know I'm going to love... I got the car today which I am really starting to love- it will take a while getting used to the fact that I drive a car that looks new and with the decals makes me think that it's a sports vehicle...
... which leaves- settling financial aid, getting settled in a/several school district(s), applying to a ropes course job?, and plenty of time for graduate work and some goals that I've developed...
They are... read Moby Dick- attempted to do so many times and have failed after getting well along it- swim 2400 yards at least once a week (for the Beaver Camp staff yes that is the equivalent from a trip to and from Unirondack :oD)- and I'm sure there are more that I spontaneously come up with/ decide need accomplishing... like practicing voice, guitar, piano, etcetera...
well I'm pooped- I tell ya 1 graduate class and completing the homework then watching the pilot episode of Chuck (again) and Pushing Daisies (first time) will do that to ya! ;)
... which leaves- settling financial aid, getting settled in a/several school district(s), applying to a ropes course job?, and plenty of time for graduate work and some goals that I've developed...
They are... read Moby Dick- attempted to do so many times and have failed after getting well along it- swim 2400 yards at least once a week (for the Beaver Camp staff yes that is the equivalent from a trip to and from Unirondack :oD)- and I'm sure there are more that I spontaneously come up with/ decide need accomplishing... like practicing voice, guitar, piano, etcetera...
well I'm pooped- I tell ya 1 graduate class and completing the homework then watching the pilot episode of Chuck (again) and Pushing Daisies (first time) will do that to ya! ;)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Things have really come together!
The apartment is basically set to go! Groceries are bought, furniture moved in (mostly given, which is amazing), have a part-time job, all set as a graduate student, everything's decorated, etcetera. It has been amazing seeing how God has made all things work together for my good.
To elaborate...
Earlier this week I went to get the car inspected- it failed inspection and they said that the best use of it would be to sell it for parts/ take it to a junk yard... which was bad to hear since that was my plans of transportation since I am a 15 minute drive away from school, plan on working, etcetera. Dad made a phone call to Beller's Auto and found that they did not have anything on the lot, but that they were at a car auction and would see what they could find in the price range Dad was thinking of. They did and I get to pick that up on Monday and if I like it, which the family has told me that they think I will, I will be able to pay Dad back for it and keep it as my first car! A little bit excited!
Also with the apartment... One of my friends from camp is getting married/ has a ton of extra household items that she was planning on getting rid of and mentioned that... so I thought I should stop by and pick up some stuff... scratch that a LOT of stuff. Basically in the matter of 2 days the apartment went from unfurnished to completed furnished... and it all matches like it was planned that way!!!!! Side note- I also get to go to a Bachelorette party :o)... as long as class is over at a good time- somewhat hoping it's shorter since it's the first one- that's what undergraduate classes beginnings were like at least...
Today I had a job interview and it sounds like I fit the criteria of what they were looking for... babysitter/teacher/cook/housekeeping/assistant/grocery shopper/taxi driver- it sounds like a lot on paper, but the main gist is help out the family for a few hours a week, based on my class schedule, doing all the things I love to do/do not mind doing & get an income doing so! Also, since it's only a few hours that still enables me to substitute throughout the week!
God has definitely been faithful and although it can be a little nerve wracking being in a different place I have proof that God has prepared the way for me and have to trust that he will continue to do so. I just need to keep stepping out in the things I need to do and look forward to continuing to see God's faithfulness in the minute details!
To elaborate...
Earlier this week I went to get the car inspected- it failed inspection and they said that the best use of it would be to sell it for parts/ take it to a junk yard... which was bad to hear since that was my plans of transportation since I am a 15 minute drive away from school, plan on working, etcetera. Dad made a phone call to Beller's Auto and found that they did not have anything on the lot, but that they were at a car auction and would see what they could find in the price range Dad was thinking of. They did and I get to pick that up on Monday and if I like it, which the family has told me that they think I will, I will be able to pay Dad back for it and keep it as my first car! A little bit excited!
Also with the apartment... One of my friends from camp is getting married/ has a ton of extra household items that she was planning on getting rid of and mentioned that... so I thought I should stop by and pick up some stuff... scratch that a LOT of stuff. Basically in the matter of 2 days the apartment went from unfurnished to completed furnished... and it all matches like it was planned that way!!!!! Side note- I also get to go to a Bachelorette party :o)... as long as class is over at a good time- somewhat hoping it's shorter since it's the first one- that's what undergraduate classes beginnings were like at least...
Today I had a job interview and it sounds like I fit the criteria of what they were looking for... babysitter/teacher/cook/housekeeping/assistant/grocery shopper/taxi driver- it sounds like a lot on paper, but the main gist is help out the family for a few hours a week, based on my class schedule, doing all the things I love to do/do not mind doing & get an income doing so! Also, since it's only a few hours that still enables me to substitute throughout the week!
God has definitely been faithful and although it can be a little nerve wracking being in a different place I have proof that God has prepared the way for me and have to trust that he will continue to do so. I just need to keep stepping out in the things I need to do and look forward to continuing to see God's faithfulness in the minute details!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Transition time is here again...
This week I will be making a few transitions that I am excited about. I move into my first apartment, start my masters at a new college, start going to a new church... again, start looking for a job... again- although hoping to get in contact with a school district and substitute, moving right in the middle ground between the suburbs and downtown, and there are several more transitions that I am sure I'll be in the midst of soon.
In all my nervousness though it's been amazing to see how God has caused everything to fall into place and I am sure that he has further prepared the way for me! Tomorrow I begin doing prep work on my end to be ready for Thursday- that is when I go down to move in- and I find that with each transition and step I feel more like an adult... which at this point makes me sad- then again I am still in camp mode.
Speaking of camp- this summer has been the toughest leaving there. I know that camp isn't the same any more since staff have left it, but in the past I think that just knowing that I am near camp has given me more of a peace of mind- that and knowing that I could facilitate often. This summer's end changes that circumstance for the first time in my life. I will be out of an easy drive from camp and will have to plan a whole trip to spend time at camp. Camp has easily become home for me since that's where the majority of my time has been spent the past 4 years... that and since it is so close to my parents I think that together is my current feelings of home. I know that the summer couldn't always last but I think throughout the summer I pushed that to my back of my mind and now it's starting to hit me- which I thought with all the prep work for getting ready for an apartment would keep it out of mind... not the case- things are coming together too quickly!
In the past I also had a few things that I was able to access at home for staying the weekend and not having to worry about packing everything I need for the weekend. This summer changed and I am officially moved out of my parent's house- that is minus the few things they're letting me store in the garage... which I need to go through and get rid of the junk this week! I feel somewhat lost and finding this transition to be bittersweet- especially since I realize that as I move into my apartment from there I will most likely be getting a job and all that comes from being an adult...
To summarize/conclude... I feel like an emotional wreck (for the first time in a long time), drained, nervous, and excited- I think to a certain extent I can't wait to get to my apartment and get doing work that will officially put me in the next stage of my life~ I think it might be a defense mechanism for me to ignore the changes I don't like so much... but also I think that I'm blocking it a bit at home since I don't like dealing with emotions in front of people... well that's all for now since I am exhausted on so many different counts and am starting to repeat and babble... that's life for now...
In all my nervousness though it's been amazing to see how God has caused everything to fall into place and I am sure that he has further prepared the way for me! Tomorrow I begin doing prep work on my end to be ready for Thursday- that is when I go down to move in- and I find that with each transition and step I feel more like an adult... which at this point makes me sad- then again I am still in camp mode.
Speaking of camp- this summer has been the toughest leaving there. I know that camp isn't the same any more since staff have left it, but in the past I think that just knowing that I am near camp has given me more of a peace of mind- that and knowing that I could facilitate often. This summer's end changes that circumstance for the first time in my life. I will be out of an easy drive from camp and will have to plan a whole trip to spend time at camp. Camp has easily become home for me since that's where the majority of my time has been spent the past 4 years... that and since it is so close to my parents I think that together is my current feelings of home. I know that the summer couldn't always last but I think throughout the summer I pushed that to my back of my mind and now it's starting to hit me- which I thought with all the prep work for getting ready for an apartment would keep it out of mind... not the case- things are coming together too quickly!
In the past I also had a few things that I was able to access at home for staying the weekend and not having to worry about packing everything I need for the weekend. This summer changed and I am officially moved out of my parent's house- that is minus the few things they're letting me store in the garage... which I need to go through and get rid of the junk this week! I feel somewhat lost and finding this transition to be bittersweet- especially since I realize that as I move into my apartment from there I will most likely be getting a job and all that comes from being an adult...
To summarize/conclude... I feel like an emotional wreck (for the first time in a long time), drained, nervous, and excited- I think to a certain extent I can't wait to get to my apartment and get doing work that will officially put me in the next stage of my life~ I think it might be a defense mechanism for me to ignore the changes I don't like so much... but also I think that I'm blocking it a bit at home since I don't like dealing with emotions in front of people... well that's all for now since I am exhausted on so many different counts and am starting to repeat and babble... that's life for now...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Thoughts in the Midst of May... as for that update about spring break I think that it can only be told in person that or I could write a really long post that no one would probably read... so I'm going to save my hands a carpel-tunnel and just write some bits of an update! :)
A lot of firsts have happened recently... first time I ate actual sushi- I actually liked it :), first time eating Thai food, and first time donating blood.
It's 17 days until I leave back for NY, but I have realized that my days of traveling won't be over through that move. I already see different trips that I want to take, people I want to see- especially being 16 hrs from people finding it difficult to travel a few hours. Along with that I have come to realize that I want to make sure that I make the time to be able to do so without being stressed.
The church I have been attending has been discussing having margins- having extra in areas rather than so packed that there's no room for anything to change... to elaborate having extra money, having enough time to arrive early somewhere without having to worry about being late for another appointment- having a life that is not stressed and available to help with opportunities that God brings to light... hmmm sounds good to me!
Also as I have started to look at returning to NY I have clearer focus of random spontaneous events that I have not done that I want to do. Most aren't anywhere near being elaborate, but they are things that I know I will enjoy immensely doing.
... and on that somewhat incomplete note I'm going to end this post since I'm focusing on other things since- SURPRISE it's the middle of May and I have things that need to be taken care of before I start thinking of things to do when I'm back in NY- there's work to be done to get there... imagine that ;)
A lot of firsts have happened recently... first time I ate actual sushi- I actually liked it :), first time eating Thai food, and first time donating blood.
It's 17 days until I leave back for NY, but I have realized that my days of traveling won't be over through that move. I already see different trips that I want to take, people I want to see- especially being 16 hrs from people finding it difficult to travel a few hours. Along with that I have come to realize that I want to make sure that I make the time to be able to do so without being stressed.
The church I have been attending has been discussing having margins- having extra in areas rather than so packed that there's no room for anything to change... to elaborate having extra money, having enough time to arrive early somewhere without having to worry about being late for another appointment- having a life that is not stressed and available to help with opportunities that God brings to light... hmmm sounds good to me!
Also as I have started to look at returning to NY I have clearer focus of random spontaneous events that I have not done that I want to do. Most aren't anywhere near being elaborate, but they are things that I know I will enjoy immensely doing.
... and on that somewhat incomplete note I'm going to end this post since I'm focusing on other things since- SURPRISE it's the middle of May and I have things that need to be taken care of before I start thinking of things to do when I'm back in NY- there's work to be done to get there... imagine that ;)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
quick update... to be extended later
So... here I am back from Spring break... feeling that time is going by so quickly yet again...
Spring Break was amazing! Full of "fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, chases escapes..." parrots, flamingos, Yoder's, Big Olaf's, sunshine, etcetera :) It was great not having an itinerary, met another "kindred spirit" *can't think of a quicker way to explain the way I instantly connected with Abby :), going to the beach, spending time with David and Nick and their families/ meeting their families, running into the Beiler's also visiting the area, and a quick update can't explain all of the greatness in a post but I will try to shorten it here...
Movies watched: 3
Greyhound buses taken: appr. 6-8
SCAT buses: 5-10ish
Trip to Demetrios: Priceless
Times David got lost: too many to count :P
Jungle Gardens
Mote Aquarium
etcetera... tons of fun stuff... this might be the quickest update ever, but you'll get that...
now that I'm back I'm substituting this week, which keeps me busy *or the books I take to read while substituting keep me busy ;) C'est tout pour maintenant! Merci pour la lecture!
Spring Break was amazing! Full of "fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, chases escapes..." parrots, flamingos, Yoder's, Big Olaf's, sunshine, etcetera :) It was great not having an itinerary, met another "kindred spirit" *can't think of a quicker way to explain the way I instantly connected with Abby :), going to the beach, spending time with David and Nick and their families/ meeting their families, running into the Beiler's also visiting the area, and a quick update can't explain all of the greatness in a post but I will try to shorten it here...
Movies watched: 3
Greyhound buses taken: appr. 6-8
SCAT buses: 5-10ish
Trip to Demetrios: Priceless
Times David got lost: too many to count :P
Jungle Gardens
Mote Aquarium
etcetera... tons of fun stuff... this might be the quickest update ever, but you'll get that...
now that I'm back I'm substituting this week, which keeps me busy *or the books I take to read while substituting keep me busy ;) C'est tout pour maintenant! Merci pour la lecture!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
feel accomplished and happy about unexpected
So today...
I sent letters I've been meaning to send... filed taxes (actually get some money back!)... got a music substitute job for tomorrow and got 3 days of substituting after Spring Break :)... which is in 2 days :)... had a great chat with Lily :D... power went out which led to more productivity (specifically organizing/cleaning my room)... and led to lighting all of my sister's candles- pictures to follow- then playing trivial pursuit by candlelight with said sister and brother-in-law :)
I am finding it interesting that I have all this joy even with the craziest class I have had to substitute thus far... and I would even do it again! I guess I am learning to get over the disappointments and frustrations, learn from them, and find the joy in the small things! :)
Earlier this week...
I had the blessing of seeing Julia play with the opener downtown Charleston. I actually ran into her before the show and it was such a blessing to catch up and be able to discuss similar circumstances! It was also wonderful talking about different perspectives of history, slavery, coffee prices, and just to see a familiar face! :) Julia was great, as to be expected, and I loved that she was singing harmonies- then again I have found I am a sucker for singing harmony ;) *side note- I think most people probably sing along to the melody of songs they listen to on their ipod... while cleaning I found I was singing the harmony to songs :P... no one was home ;)* It was great to see the musicality in the acts that I saw before heading back to my current abode!
That's all for now so I am ready for elementary music in the morning... hair cut & highlights in the afternoon... final packing in the evening :)
I sent letters I've been meaning to send... filed taxes (actually get some money back!)... got a music substitute job for tomorrow and got 3 days of substituting after Spring Break :)... which is in 2 days :)... had a great chat with Lily :D... power went out which led to more productivity (specifically organizing/cleaning my room)... and led to lighting all of my sister's candles- pictures to follow- then playing trivial pursuit by candlelight with said sister and brother-in-law :)
I am finding it interesting that I have all this joy even with the craziest class I have had to substitute thus far... and I would even do it again! I guess I am learning to get over the disappointments and frustrations, learn from them, and find the joy in the small things! :)
Earlier this week...
I had the blessing of seeing Julia play with the opener downtown Charleston. I actually ran into her before the show and it was such a blessing to catch up and be able to discuss similar circumstances! It was also wonderful talking about different perspectives of history, slavery, coffee prices, and just to see a familiar face! :) Julia was great, as to be expected, and I loved that she was singing harmonies- then again I have found I am a sucker for singing harmony ;) *side note- I think most people probably sing along to the melody of songs they listen to on their ipod... while cleaning I found I was singing the harmony to songs :P... no one was home ;)* It was great to see the musicality in the acts that I saw before heading back to my current abode!
That's all for now so I am ready for elementary music in the morning... hair cut & highlights in the afternoon... final packing in the evening :)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
fascinating how the big change of last year has become the comfort level of this year...
... it was around this time last year that I went to the hair salon and got my hair cut for locks of love... then told her to have fun resulting in a fantastic hair cut that had my hair the shortest it had ever been :) I loved it right from the get go and it suited me just fine... so much so that I haven't grown it out past my shoulders since then even though I could have!
Just realizing that today made me realize how that was a risk that I took which resulted with something new for me. It was so drastic that people that I had known for 17 years didn't recognize me. At this point the new acquaintances that I'm making have seen pictures from merely 6 years ago and don't recognize that being the same person.
At the church I have been going to they have been talking a lot about faith and making sure that it's evident in your life. Realizing the outer changes that I have taken and will continue to take (getting my hair cut again and highlights as well!) it also brings to mind the importance of making those daily decisions to strengthen the faith which will be exhibited in behavior. It's time to take larger more drastic steps and risk more to deepen a relationship with Christ that there are changes on the inside that show the fruits of a relationship with God! I want to strive to be making those choices that cause people to see the growth of spiritual maturity through my life rather than merely the outer changes.
I have also come to the realization that the church I have been attending is starting to be more of a comfort zone and I'm becoming a face that is being recognized in the congregation as someone that attends rather than a visitor. Today someone came up to me stating as much and it makes me feel good to be able to smile at more familiar faces and have less people asking me if it's my first time. I'm starting to feel more like an attender than a visitor in spite of the fact that there are less than a handful of people that remember who I am and are sure to chat with me when I see them.
After my reflection/ analogy... more of an update...
Easter is 2 weeks from now in the midst of Spring Break- the first Spring Break that I'm actually going on vacation somewhere!!!! :) Specifically to Florida to visit some friends I work with during the summer and a family friend that also lives in... Sarasota!!!! Today I was thinking about how blessed I am going to be spending Easter down there! :) Other than that there's staff work day so that means I get a long weekend and hopefully I can check online tons and get some more work before I go to Florida... also planning on getting my hair cut *as mentioned earlier... and trying something new with highlights :) A little excited to see how it will turn out!
...and now that I feel quite girly and that I have related different points together I am going to depart from the blog until I next update... maybe/most likely with pictures of how the hair cut turns out :)
Just realizing that today made me realize how that was a risk that I took which resulted with something new for me. It was so drastic that people that I had known for 17 years didn't recognize me. At this point the new acquaintances that I'm making have seen pictures from merely 6 years ago and don't recognize that being the same person.
At the church I have been going to they have been talking a lot about faith and making sure that it's evident in your life. Realizing the outer changes that I have taken and will continue to take (getting my hair cut again and highlights as well!) it also brings to mind the importance of making those daily decisions to strengthen the faith which will be exhibited in behavior. It's time to take larger more drastic steps and risk more to deepen a relationship with Christ that there are changes on the inside that show the fruits of a relationship with God! I want to strive to be making those choices that cause people to see the growth of spiritual maturity through my life rather than merely the outer changes.
I have also come to the realization that the church I have been attending is starting to be more of a comfort zone and I'm becoming a face that is being recognized in the congregation as someone that attends rather than a visitor. Today someone came up to me stating as much and it makes me feel good to be able to smile at more familiar faces and have less people asking me if it's my first time. I'm starting to feel more like an attender than a visitor in spite of the fact that there are less than a handful of people that remember who I am and are sure to chat with me when I see them.
After my reflection/ analogy... more of an update...
Easter is 2 weeks from now in the midst of Spring Break- the first Spring Break that I'm actually going on vacation somewhere!!!! :) Specifically to Florida to visit some friends I work with during the summer and a family friend that also lives in... Sarasota!!!! Today I was thinking about how blessed I am going to be spending Easter down there! :) Other than that there's staff work day so that means I get a long weekend and hopefully I can check online tons and get some more work before I go to Florida... also planning on getting my hair cut *as mentioned earlier... and trying something new with highlights :) A little excited to see how it will turn out!
...and now that I feel quite girly and that I have related different points together I am going to depart from the blog until I next update... maybe/most likely with pictures of how the hair cut turns out :)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Realization of access so that I can update the blog at the school I'm working at...
:) I found one more thing that I spend time with my sister waiting for substituting to start!
Today I get to be my sister for the second half of the day since Bob comes back from Iraq today... Melody is a little excited ;) It should be good rest of the day!
In the past few weeks Melody has been sick, so things have been pretty low key. I didn't take as many sub jobs, but finalized plans formy first ever vacation that I'm taking during spring break! I decided that since I'm pretty close to Florida and that since it was suggested by some people I know in the Sarasota area that I should go there during the week :)! I've also realized that a family friend that I've known my whole life lives in thatarea these days and it might be nice to visit her where she lives now rather than the few times I see her in NY during the summer. So I bought my bus ticket from Greyhound- picked it up at the station that is ghetto, to the point that my sister says she's not leaving me until I am on the bus... so I'm sure that the trip will be an adventure! I leave in 15 days and am slightly excited!
Otherwise I have officially been accepted to graduate school & now it's a matter of setting up a time to meet at the school or via phone to get my schedule set for the Fall :) I have also decided that the first school that I have applied for graduate school will also be my last since it's a good school and if I want to focus on pedagogy itself I could take a few classes during my graduate and maybe have that focus for my thesis! I also have realized that I may take more time there since I will probably take some theater classes so that I can work towards duo-certification... hoping to be certified in Theater as well by December... at the latest May :)... who knows I might be able to be the usual busy being that I have been in the past and take more classes... that or maybe I'll take 3 semesters for my graduate program/undergraduate finalization of theater! :)
This past weekend we went to Mepkin Abbey Gardens *picture below* which were really cool- it was a nice day... we'll be going back there another day to see the abbey itself! :)
And that's life for now...
Today I get to be my sister for the second half of the day since Bob comes back from Iraq today... Melody is a little excited ;) It should be good rest of the day!
In the past few weeks Melody has been sick, so things have been pretty low key. I didn't take as many sub jobs, but finalized plans formy first ever vacation that I'm taking during spring break! I decided that since I'm pretty close to Florida and that since it was suggested by some people I know in the Sarasota area that I should go there during the week :)! I've also realized that a family friend that I've known my whole life lives in thatarea these days and it might be nice to visit her where she lives now rather than the few times I see her in NY during the summer. So I bought my bus ticket from Greyhound- picked it up at the station that is ghetto, to the point that my sister says she's not leaving me until I am on the bus... so I'm sure that the trip will be an adventure! I leave in 15 days and am slightly excited!
Otherwise I have officially been accepted to graduate school & now it's a matter of setting up a time to meet at the school or via phone to get my schedule set for the Fall :) I have also decided that the first school that I have applied for graduate school will also be my last since it's a good school and if I want to focus on pedagogy itself I could take a few classes during my graduate and maybe have that focus for my thesis! I also have realized that I may take more time there since I will probably take some theater classes so that I can work towards duo-certification... hoping to be certified in Theater as well by December... at the latest May :)... who knows I might be able to be the usual busy being that I have been in the past and take more classes... that or maybe I'll take 3 semesters for my graduate program/undergraduate finalization of theater! :)
This past weekend we went to Mepkin Abbey Gardens *picture below* which were really cool- it was a nice day... we'll be going back there another day to see the abbey itself! :)

And that's life for now...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Tough decision... other decisions made... continued experiences
I had to make a tough decision about a job opportunity that came along that would be good to have in the fall... but had a lot of buts. I had the opportunity to start teaching private piano lessons, which eventually I definitely want to do, but I have to remember as my Mom said no matter where I am someday I can do that :)! The issue would have been that it would be on Saturdays... starting in June... which anyone that knows my summer work schedule working at camp and how exhausted I was last summer sees the red flag go up immediately... it took me a few days to see past my optimism to make it work to see the reality that it wouldn't be fair to the students, camp, or myself to do both- Another point of consideration... this job would be connected through the family that I am hopefully being a nanny for in the fall so I have to believe that God knows where he has me in the fall and I can just relax...
Speaking of the Fall... I haven't officially received my acceptance letter but the head of the department sent me the health paperwork and basically told me acceptance is waiting on my last recommendation :) Once I officially decide to officially go there I will give more details :)*
Also at one point I thought about how with graduate school I hope to substitute... which would mean I would need a vehicle to get there from whichever school I'm at... my parents offered a vehicle, but I thought that it might be time to get my own- but then realized... I can get one later and then not have to worry about the income to afford it throughout graduate school and then if I get the work I can save it towards a car :)
This week I'm getting a lot of substitute experience... that is I work with grades K-8... doing Math, Science, General Music, Band, and Dance... at different schools in the district... different rules... different behavior standards... I find the schools I'm unfamiliar with that Elementary General Music is not as wonderful as my placement for student teaching was... but then again I was quite spoiled there ;)
With all the decisions being made I had to hear the truth from my parents which was a little tough. The whole piano lesson option was one that I was very stubborn on and it's hard for me to step back and take a look at everything. Thus far it's only been my family and less than a handful of friends that have been able to give me the honest truth and not back down... because they're right. Which is hard when I get into my stubborn ruts and only see one thing. I'm coming to appreciate those people that are able to do that and coming to the realize that I've grown up. I have grown to understand the quality of that firm truth and the strength they have to stand by it until I come around. I find that personally I want to be the one right all the time but am finding that the only way to get closer to being right is learning to admit when I'm wrong and moving on.
On completely different topics... saw The Book of Eli- it was amazing... planning on seeing Alice in Wonderland soon- that looks incredible- music sounds great... Spring break is finally in sight... which means I have to start planning it soon... that and seeing other friends around the area because before I know it I will be back in NY... I think the count is in the 80s now- I'm not counting... my sister is :p
In the midst of the routine I am finding the route to take for my future, learning things that are causing me to mature in my faith and as a person, continuing to find enjoyment in the small things, and discovering the random personality that I have is allowing me to take and cherish every second as it comes! In the midst of everything I am finding God leading me to where to go and equipping me now to be ready when I reach there :)
*about all of the nonspecific information
At this point I feel that I need to work through it over conversations rather than broadcast my life completely online... where people just read it- it's another story, but there's the lack of connection to that person *which I actually feel is a disconnect that text conversations have... speaking of which... it's March which means I've officially survived 2 months without text conversations such as aim (actually deleted it from my computer), facebook, and text message conversations- my current rule only allowed to send 5- At some point I may elaborate on this, but for now this is a brief statement to explain my opinion of the negative influence I am seeing through instant written word communication... that and I'm proud of myself sticking to it and am thinking at this point that I probably will continue to do so after the year is over- it will be interesting to see how it turns out this time next year
Speaking of the Fall... I haven't officially received my acceptance letter but the head of the department sent me the health paperwork and basically told me acceptance is waiting on my last recommendation :) Once I officially decide to officially go there I will give more details :)*
Also at one point I thought about how with graduate school I hope to substitute... which would mean I would need a vehicle to get there from whichever school I'm at... my parents offered a vehicle, but I thought that it might be time to get my own- but then realized... I can get one later and then not have to worry about the income to afford it throughout graduate school and then if I get the work I can save it towards a car :)
This week I'm getting a lot of substitute experience... that is I work with grades K-8... doing Math, Science, General Music, Band, and Dance... at different schools in the district... different rules... different behavior standards... I find the schools I'm unfamiliar with that Elementary General Music is not as wonderful as my placement for student teaching was... but then again I was quite spoiled there ;)
With all the decisions being made I had to hear the truth from my parents which was a little tough. The whole piano lesson option was one that I was very stubborn on and it's hard for me to step back and take a look at everything. Thus far it's only been my family and less than a handful of friends that have been able to give me the honest truth and not back down... because they're right. Which is hard when I get into my stubborn ruts and only see one thing. I'm coming to appreciate those people that are able to do that and coming to the realize that I've grown up. I have grown to understand the quality of that firm truth and the strength they have to stand by it until I come around. I find that personally I want to be the one right all the time but am finding that the only way to get closer to being right is learning to admit when I'm wrong and moving on.
On completely different topics... saw The Book of Eli- it was amazing... planning on seeing Alice in Wonderland soon- that looks incredible- music sounds great... Spring break is finally in sight... which means I have to start planning it soon... that and seeing other friends around the area because before I know it I will be back in NY... I think the count is in the 80s now- I'm not counting... my sister is :p
In the midst of the routine I am finding the route to take for my future, learning things that are causing me to mature in my faith and as a person, continuing to find enjoyment in the small things, and discovering the random personality that I have is allowing me to take and cherish every second as it comes! In the midst of everything I am finding God leading me to where to go and equipping me now to be ready when I reach there :)
*about all of the nonspecific information
At this point I feel that I need to work through it over conversations rather than broadcast my life completely online... where people just read it- it's another story, but there's the lack of connection to that person *which I actually feel is a disconnect that text conversations have... speaking of which... it's March which means I've officially survived 2 months without text conversations such as aim (actually deleted it from my computer), facebook, and text message conversations- my current rule only allowed to send 5- At some point I may elaborate on this, but for now this is a brief statement to explain my opinion of the negative influence I am seeing through instant written word communication... that and I'm proud of myself sticking to it and am thinking at this point that I probably will continue to do so after the year is over- it will be interesting to see how it turns out this time next year
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A door of opportunity...

So I have almost officially sent all the paperwork to apply to a graduate school that was not originally my first choice, but as a door has opened in the area it is looking like it has more potential than I thought in the first place!
Some background:
Melody introduced me to craigslist and it has become something that I have started to look into, seeing if teaching jobs are available & just enjoying the fact that you are able to post and respond to posts for free. Well while looking across potential jobs I came across one... that would be starting in the fall... in the city that I am applying to graduate school... a live-in nanny-ing position for a 2 1/2 year old and a few pets which would only be about 10 hours a week :) which would be a wonderful job to have during graduate school and would be fun and... is making that school even more appealing :)
Other interesting tid bits... it snowed on Friday... ending school an hour early *rolls eyes* but it STICKED!!!!! I guess that it's the first time that it has done so in a decade... and one wonderful thing was how we were able to get pictures (see above and below for pictures) and it melted in a day giving us the feeling of the arrival of spring... and this happened as Ben and Kelly stopped by on their way to Florida :)
It has been nice living with Melody and through having her constantly seeking jobs and figuring out things constantly reminds me to keep on top of getting things done which include graduate school, looking for a job on the side, and dun dun dun taxes! I am feeling more like an adult all the time and I am okay with that... I was scared that I would be bored with the routine, but am finding from spending time with students there is never a dull day and doing spontaneous sight-seeing or having family visit once in a while is nice! :)
Today was the first day that I was somewhat lacking in energy and might be taking the day tomorrow to get some extra sleep and restock on energy. Speaking of which I am starting to contemplate taking a longer vacation somewhere, but need to hear back from friends from NY whether they'll be able to make it or if I'll make a trip of my own to visit friends :)
There are some thoughts and pictures to update from the less snowy SC

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
It's been a while :)
I came to the realization that it's been a while since updating and I have some free time at the moment :)
I am now officially a certified teacher! In itself a exciting accomplishment- with the bonus that now I am getting paid appr. 43% more than before certification is quite nice and will enable me to get a cushion, which will be nice to have for my unknown fall.
Speaking of which, still looking at schools and actually finding the possibility of teaching and getting my master's simultaneously- and possibly having my sister work at the same school. Which is wonderful- but means I have to get all the application details done for that as well, since with the economy as it is teachers are a bit more keen on trying to have a job! Speaking of a job though I am planning on sending in my Beaver Camp Application within the next few days so hopefully will be returning for a 4th summer! :)
Random fun facts- I got my hair cut midway between my original cut in March and the cut for the summer in June... which means again it's too short to put up, but that keeps me from being lazy and doing that hairstyle all the time! Also Melody thought it would be fun for both of us to try on these prom-esque/ cocktail dresses to see how they would look. One of them happened to be white and I realized with some adjustments I could easily have bought it for $50! :) I'm sure my parents would love me coming back from SC with a wedding dress :P
Other than that, weather is getting to be slightly warmer- won't say how warm for those in the North, but don't get too jealous since it's been raining a bit. That and currently I'm working through either a weird cold or sinus/allergies? from being here... but I've figured out something that seems to be helping so hopefully I'll be fully adjusted soon... that or realize what I'm allergic to and start allergy meds.
Days Substituted: 12
Days scheduled to substitute at this point: 5
Beach Wedding Appropriate Apparel tried on: 1 *I was informed on this one I should have taken a picture... although Melody thinks it would be fun to lend her engagement ring and actually go into David's Bridal saying I'm engaged... we'll see about that one
Movies watched at the base theater: 2
Churches visited: 2 *I believe I found the church
Days without mail in the mailbox: 3 * we believe someone might be stealing the mail here :(... but we went to the post office to get a box and have the mail forwarded :) so it should be all set
Hopefully soon it will be nice out, so that Melody and I can go on a photo excursion somewhere... until then here's your brief update from SC :)
P.S. I've officially been here a month :)
I am now officially a certified teacher! In itself a exciting accomplishment- with the bonus that now I am getting paid appr. 43% more than before certification is quite nice and will enable me to get a cushion, which will be nice to have for my unknown fall.
Speaking of which, still looking at schools and actually finding the possibility of teaching and getting my master's simultaneously- and possibly having my sister work at the same school. Which is wonderful- but means I have to get all the application details done for that as well, since with the economy as it is teachers are a bit more keen on trying to have a job! Speaking of a job though I am planning on sending in my Beaver Camp Application within the next few days so hopefully will be returning for a 4th summer! :)
Random fun facts- I got my hair cut midway between my original cut in March and the cut for the summer in June... which means again it's too short to put up, but that keeps me from being lazy and doing that hairstyle all the time! Also Melody thought it would be fun for both of us to try on these prom-esque/ cocktail dresses to see how they would look. One of them happened to be white and I realized with some adjustments I could easily have bought it for $50! :) I'm sure my parents would love me coming back from SC with a wedding dress :P
Other than that, weather is getting to be slightly warmer- won't say how warm for those in the North, but don't get too jealous since it's been raining a bit. That and currently I'm working through either a weird cold or sinus/allergies? from being here... but I've figured out something that seems to be helping so hopefully I'll be fully adjusted soon... that or realize what I'm allergic to and start allergy meds.
Days Substituted: 12
Days scheduled to substitute at this point: 5
Beach Wedding Appropriate Apparel tried on: 1 *I was informed on this one I should have taken a picture... although Melody thinks it would be fun to lend her engagement ring and actually go into David's Bridal saying I'm engaged... we'll see about that one
Movies watched at the base theater: 2
Churches visited: 2 *I believe I found the church
Days without mail in the mailbox: 3 * we believe someone might be stealing the mail here :(... but we went to the post office to get a box and have the mail forwarded :) so it should be all set
Hopefully soon it will be nice out, so that Melody and I can go on a photo excursion somewhere... until then here's your brief update from SC :)
P.S. I've officially been here a month :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
It's good to be busy...
I came to the realization of how busy I was today when I went to respond to something on facebook and realized a change that had taken place that I was not in the foggiest aware of! And it felt liberating to a certain extent. It made me realize that I have not been able to waste a bunch of time on facebook and the internet doing things that are not necessary for sustenance of life- and that I like the change and the fact that my life has been occupied with other things.
Those other things at this point are not what I had imagined would be the things that excite me and keep me energized. These others things are actually things that I had thought of with trepidation. In a nutshell these are hum drum things that will be the majority of my life after college- that is habits of daily life.
Although the one current thing that I think keeps me going is the students. They are not in my classroom, that is I am not their official teacher, but from my past 2 substitute jobs it gave me a glimpse of the joy that I get from being in the classroom... and I am sure that this is another job that I get the check and exclaim happily "I get paid to do this!"
Long story short:
-This week is busy- I am working- coming home- doing normal things... but here are some of the highlights
*Finding time to read books that I have wanted to read/ re-read as the case may be
*Spending time with my sister and figuring out the various remotes
*Starting to feel more like a inhabitant than a visitor- along with that starting to have more of a sense where I am
*Getting loads of experience and having the extra time to research, apply, and figure out the next step of life graduate school...
With all this busyness that means an early day each day, which means I should be getting ready for the final early day before sleeping in on the weekend :) Until I next am inclined to write here am I :)
Those other things at this point are not what I had imagined would be the things that excite me and keep me energized. These others things are actually things that I had thought of with trepidation. In a nutshell these are hum drum things that will be the majority of my life after college- that is habits of daily life.
Although the one current thing that I think keeps me going is the students. They are not in my classroom, that is I am not their official teacher, but from my past 2 substitute jobs it gave me a glimpse of the joy that I get from being in the classroom... and I am sure that this is another job that I get the check and exclaim happily "I get paid to do this!"
Long story short:
-This week is busy- I am working- coming home- doing normal things... but here are some of the highlights
*Finding time to read books that I have wanted to read/ re-read as the case may be
*Spending time with my sister and figuring out the various remotes
*Starting to feel more like a inhabitant than a visitor- along with that starting to have more of a sense where I am
*Getting loads of experience and having the extra time to research, apply, and figure out the next step of life graduate school...
With all this busyness that means an early day each day, which means I should be getting ready for the final early day before sleeping in on the weekend :) Until I next am inclined to write here am I :)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
substituting joys and blessings
*A picture taken at the beach :)... no need to get too jealous- take note of the scarf and winter coat on ;) 
At this point I have substituted two days... and have 5 more days scheduled for the next 3 weeks :)... keeping optimism to fill those other 5 days :)
This week I am substituting for an art teacher- focusing on media arts and drawing this week :) It feels great to be able to discuss knowledge that I learned throughout high school and through the process I have come to realize how knowledgeable I actually am in that area... although no where as knowledgeable as my sister in that area ;) Next week I get to continue in the visual arts with ceramics and sculpture which the teacher decided to schedule with me as soon as she found out I was substituting which was great.
Coolest thing happened today as far as assignments for substituting. I received my first music assignment. I got a call and was able to confirm by pressing a few buttons on the phone- which I thought was pretty cool. That and my sister got all excited as well since she mentioned I must be the preferred substitute if I am called like that. It has been wonderful to see how my sister has taken care of me getting all the substituting and sending emails out letting those in the different departments know my knowledge base and that I am looking to substitute.
It seems so strange that this time last week Melody and I were curious as to how it would work out and tomorrow makes it a week that I had all the paperwork in and was officially put down as a substitute. Since then I have 7 days in my schedule of work, in areas that I am more than comfortable with, I enjoy doing, and I get paid to do :) 2 of the placements are for 3 days in a row which gives me an opportunity to get to know the students a bit better... and is good motivation for them to behave since they have to deal with me past one day.
Another highlight today :)... it was a nice day! One student passed by my sister's classroom and started talking to me (from a keyboarding class I decided to observe). This student was one that she had not met and that's the strongest example of how students in that particular school are starting to open up and have small conversations with me... and being a big people person that makes me immensely happy!
Also that reminds me- I don't believe I have written about visiting the music/drama wing. The school's music department is known... actually they performed for Obama's inauguration ceremony... so with the knowledge of the quality of the program and knowing the choral instructor my sister introduced me to her... which at first was extremely intimidating- first thing she asked about was my piano skills and asked me to play something from memory... right then- I played something I wrote a bit but completely blanked on all that I knew... the next time I stopped by she had me come up with a transition from one key to the next *for those not completely understanding- brought two bits of a song with material of it cut and put it together... again somewhat intimidating but I like messing around with composing so actually that seemed too easy for me... long story short I have become more comfortable with being thrown in and allowed to share my knowledge with the students in that capacity. The teacher seems to enjoy the fact that I repeat a lot of what she has been telling the students which helps them realize the importance of what she is saying to a deeper level and I am coming to appreciate that she is pushing me forward and helping me be ready with the skills I have for whatever circumstances may bring.
This weekend is another long weekend which will be nice to spend some time with my sister... we're planning on going to see The Blindside at the movie theater on base which I have heard is good and the weather is supposed to be pretty nice as well! I am looking forward to my first official day substituting music... middle school band to be exact!
List time since being in South Carolina:
Days substituted: 2
Days scheduled to substitute: 5
Times to the beach: 1
Times downtown: 1
Churches visited: 1
Cups of Coffee: usually about 1 a day... surprise surprise- not bouncing off the walls!
Drove the car: 1
Visited Starbucks- Target: 1
Had Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream- twice... they were accurate servings :)
Hokey so... tired of listing at this point... and substituting in the morning- jeans and school spirit shirt tomorrow, going to sleep soon, long weekend almost here, and feeling blessed and that God has prepared the way = me :)
*This is a picture from the past long weekend... Melody and I at the Waterfront Park in front of THE Pineapple Fountain!!!!! :) I was quite psyched... see next photo for a taste of the joy and excitement I had of finding the fountain!!!!

At this point I have substituted two days... and have 5 more days scheduled for the next 3 weeks :)... keeping optimism to fill those other 5 days :)
This week I am substituting for an art teacher- focusing on media arts and drawing this week :) It feels great to be able to discuss knowledge that I learned throughout high school and through the process I have come to realize how knowledgeable I actually am in that area... although no where as knowledgeable as my sister in that area ;) Next week I get to continue in the visual arts with ceramics and sculpture which the teacher decided to schedule with me as soon as she found out I was substituting which was great.
Coolest thing happened today as far as assignments for substituting. I received my first music assignment. I got a call and was able to confirm by pressing a few buttons on the phone- which I thought was pretty cool. That and my sister got all excited as well since she mentioned I must be the preferred substitute if I am called like that. It has been wonderful to see how my sister has taken care of me getting all the substituting and sending emails out letting those in the different departments know my knowledge base and that I am looking to substitute.
It seems so strange that this time last week Melody and I were curious as to how it would work out and tomorrow makes it a week that I had all the paperwork in and was officially put down as a substitute. Since then I have 7 days in my schedule of work, in areas that I am more than comfortable with, I enjoy doing, and I get paid to do :) 2 of the placements are for 3 days in a row which gives me an opportunity to get to know the students a bit better... and is good motivation for them to behave since they have to deal with me past one day.
Another highlight today :)... it was a nice day! One student passed by my sister's classroom and started talking to me (from a keyboarding class I decided to observe). This student was one that she had not met and that's the strongest example of how students in that particular school are starting to open up and have small conversations with me... and being a big people person that makes me immensely happy!
Also that reminds me- I don't believe I have written about visiting the music/drama wing. The school's music department is known... actually they performed for Obama's inauguration ceremony... so with the knowledge of the quality of the program and knowing the choral instructor my sister introduced me to her... which at first was extremely intimidating- first thing she asked about was my piano skills and asked me to play something from memory... right then- I played something I wrote a bit but completely blanked on all that I knew... the next time I stopped by she had me come up with a transition from one key to the next *for those not completely understanding- brought two bits of a song with material of it cut and put it together... again somewhat intimidating but I like messing around with composing so actually that seemed too easy for me... long story short I have become more comfortable with being thrown in and allowed to share my knowledge with the students in that capacity. The teacher seems to enjoy the fact that I repeat a lot of what she has been telling the students which helps them realize the importance of what she is saying to a deeper level and I am coming to appreciate that she is pushing me forward and helping me be ready with the skills I have for whatever circumstances may bring.
This weekend is another long weekend which will be nice to spend some time with my sister... we're planning on going to see The Blindside at the movie theater on base which I have heard is good and the weather is supposed to be pretty nice as well! I am looking forward to my first official day substituting music... middle school band to be exact!
List time since being in South Carolina:
Days substituted: 2
Days scheduled to substitute: 5
Times to the beach: 1
Times downtown: 1
Churches visited: 1
Cups of Coffee: usually about 1 a day... surprise surprise- not bouncing off the walls!
Drove the car: 1
Visited Starbucks- Target: 1
Had Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream- twice... they were accurate servings :)
Hokey so... tired of listing at this point... and substituting in the morning- jeans and school spirit shirt tomorrow, going to sleep soon, long weekend almost here, and feeling blessed and that God has prepared the way = me :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
substituting begins... in South Carolina
Tomorrow I begin my substituting in South Carolina :) I will be doing art classes in two rooms that I am familiar with since one is my sister's room and the other is a room that she switches to at points of the day. The planning periods in the schedule conveniently line up with the 2 periods of the day that I went to visit the drama/music wing :)
It should be interesting the beginning of the day since I will have to do some "homeroom" assignment stuff with students which Melody does not even know what that will entail. The lesson plans I was able to receive today since it was a work day and Melody wrote them since I am substituting due to an emergency with her co-worker... which is sad that that is how it came about, but I am excited to begin working!
Random but to explain the quick departure... American Idol is on- which I wasn't planning on watching until I discovered that a Crane Alumni will be on... so with that note... updating will come later :)
It should be interesting the beginning of the day since I will have to do some "homeroom" assignment stuff with students which Melody does not even know what that will entail. The lesson plans I was able to receive today since it was a work day and Melody wrote them since I am substituting due to an emergency with her co-worker... which is sad that that is how it came about, but I am excited to begin working!
Random but to explain the quick departure... American Idol is on- which I wasn't planning on watching until I discovered that a Crane Alumni will be on... so with that note... updating will come later :)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
tomorrow makes 1 week that I have been here...
I have come to the realization that I am in love with the simplicity of my life right now.
Today we didn't do anything particularly spectacular but just spending the time with my sister made the day so much fun. We went to the gym, walked the dogs, then went on a shopping excursion... and get this- it only took 15-ish minutes to get there! *quite the change of the familiar at least a 1/2 hour to a Walmart and an hour to anything remotely showing shopping. Also the wonderful thing was that we went to 1 store and did not spend too much time there and then were back before dinner with time to spare after renting some movies! :)
Tomorrow is my first day checking out a church in the area... slightly nervous about going to somewhere that the only reference I have is online and their website to see. It looks promising, but it is tough thinking of approaching church this way rather than having God place someone I know giving me a piece of paper telling me time and pick ups for the church. But I am trusting God has prepared that church for me... somewhere here and I just have to be persistent in searching for it... On that note I should be awake to actually be able to decide if it is the church I should be at the next few months... and it has a 9 am service that I'm planning on going to... so to sleep I go :)
That and after church we are heading into the city and I hope to see the Pineapple fountain and some other amazing views of Charleston- checking off some places I have been told to see as well :)
Today we didn't do anything particularly spectacular but just spending the time with my sister made the day so much fun. We went to the gym, walked the dogs, then went on a shopping excursion... and get this- it only took 15-ish minutes to get there! *quite the change of the familiar at least a 1/2 hour to a Walmart and an hour to anything remotely showing shopping. Also the wonderful thing was that we went to 1 store and did not spend too much time there and then were back before dinner with time to spare after renting some movies! :)
Tomorrow is my first day checking out a church in the area... slightly nervous about going to somewhere that the only reference I have is online and their website to see. It looks promising, but it is tough thinking of approaching church this way rather than having God place someone I know giving me a piece of paper telling me time and pick ups for the church. But I am trusting God has prepared that church for me... somewhere here and I just have to be persistent in searching for it... On that note I should be awake to actually be able to decide if it is the church I should be at the next few months... and it has a 9 am service that I'm planning on going to... so to sleep I go :)
That and after church we are heading into the city and I hope to see the Pineapple fountain and some other amazing views of Charleston- checking off some places I have been told to see as well :)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Thoughts on previous travels in relation to current travels
I was thinking a few nights ago about the last major travel that I took... to London and Paris. The itinerary was all set and I had some ideas about things we would be doing and places but I was constantly surprised by changes in plans. I was not in charge of the plans, the arrangements, the transportation, and the majority of the trip. I planned and worked getting the funds for the trip and eventually packed but was trusting that the organizer was going to craft a wonderful trip.
I really felt that my life is going in the same direction to a certain extent. I trust that God is THE organizer. I trust that he knows how I will get from where I am here to the plans that he has for me. I trust that the trip is going to be wonderful and "exceedingly and abundantly above all I could hope for or imagine" (changed from Ephesians 3:20- we to I). I trust that he will open the options and make provisions for where I am supposed to go and what I am supposed to be a part of. I need to make sure that I am equipped financially in the provision he has for me here and that I am able to pack & organize what I am learning and all that I have to be ready for his purpose, when it is revealed.
That is a quick thought/revelation that I had :)
Now for some other more random thoughts/update
-Last trip I also challenged people that did not go on the trip to challenge me to do something... challenges included: getting a signature from a Canadian stewardess, talking to a random person on the subway (that is the tube and metro), and some other challenges that I cannot think of right now since early mornings are starting to take their toll!
-I have gone into the school to visit a few times and...
1) I am really starting to connect with quite a few of my sister's students who are amazing, wonderful, awesome people who make me smile tons!
2) I went to the music department in the school to find myself somewhat intimidated but finding that there is a lot that I can learn from the teacher there. I only hope that I will be able to invest some time in the midst of all the substituting I should be able to start... as soon as I get some paperwork from Potsdam saying I have completed the program and am waiting for New York State.
3) I am really happy with the way the weather is here because as I was beginning to enjoy the fall weather in New York... it was gone- here is seems like it is picking up where I left off :)
4) Confusing people can be too much fun!!!!
5) That's all I got for now... possibilities of future blogs is continued reminiscing of Paris/London trip with some more in depth discussion of spontaneity and challenges in the trip- I found my recommended "travel journal" that I filled out on the trip which I find to be very interesting deciphering my 15 year old self's handwriting and personality :)
This picture is of a place I may be visiting very soon... who can guess what it is?
I really felt that my life is going in the same direction to a certain extent. I trust that God is THE organizer. I trust that he knows how I will get from where I am here to the plans that he has for me. I trust that the trip is going to be wonderful and "exceedingly and abundantly above all I could hope for or imagine" (changed from Ephesians 3:20- we to I). I trust that he will open the options and make provisions for where I am supposed to go and what I am supposed to be a part of. I need to make sure that I am equipped financially in the provision he has for me here and that I am able to pack & organize what I am learning and all that I have to be ready for his purpose, when it is revealed.
That is a quick thought/revelation that I had :)
Now for some other more random thoughts/update
-Last trip I also challenged people that did not go on the trip to challenge me to do something... challenges included: getting a signature from a Canadian stewardess, talking to a random person on the subway (that is the tube and metro), and some other challenges that I cannot think of right now since early mornings are starting to take their toll!
-I have gone into the school to visit a few times and...
1) I am really starting to connect with quite a few of my sister's students who are amazing, wonderful, awesome people who make me smile tons!
2) I went to the music department in the school to find myself somewhat intimidated but finding that there is a lot that I can learn from the teacher there. I only hope that I will be able to invest some time in the midst of all the substituting I should be able to start... as soon as I get some paperwork from Potsdam saying I have completed the program and am waiting for New York State.
3) I am really happy with the way the weather is here because as I was beginning to enjoy the fall weather in New York... it was gone- here is seems like it is picking up where I left off :)
4) Confusing people can be too much fun!!!!
5) That's all I got for now... possibilities of future blogs is continued reminiscing of Paris/London trip with some more in depth discussion of spontaneity and challenges in the trip- I found my recommended "travel journal" that I filled out on the trip which I find to be very interesting deciphering my 15 year old self's handwriting and personality :)
This picture is of a place I may be visiting very soon... who can guess what it is?
Sunday, January 3, 2010
The beginning of the newest adventure... adulthood?
"Growing up is never easy. You hold on to things that were. You wonder what's to come. But that night, I think we knew it was time to let go of what had been, and look ahead to what would be. Other days. New days. Days to come. The thing is, we didn't have to hate each other for getting older. We just had to forgive ourselves... for growing up." ~The Wonder Years
Recently I embarked on what I decided to title this blog, "Travels into the unknown." For the next few months of my life... and actually the next few years I do not have any solid concrete plans on what is going to happen in my life. I have found it to be invigorating and freeing. The past 4 and a half years I have scheduled, planned, and sketched out my life. I knew exactly where I would be and on occasion would add something spontaneous to it, but I had a clear direction and decision of where I was going.
Now all those plans have come to a close and the beginnings of some plans are coming into focus but the majority of the next part of this journey of life is blurry and uncertain.
What I'm thinking of/ planning...
-I plan on substituting in the district that my sister works in- gain more experience in the classroom with different ages. *bonus: I get to spend loads of time with my sister that I have not been able to do the past 4 1/2 years and I make some money in the process as well!
-I plan on filling out applications and auditioning for graduate school possibilities and trying to figure out where I am going to be next
-This next time of my life will be stretching and make me learn more about myself... I plan on going to church and making connections to new people in the area... I am going to be open to new things *blogging and sushi (somewhat nervous about the 2nd)
Other possibilities on the horizon... in process of planning:
-A trip to Florida is going to happen at some point in the future- the possibilities are SeaWorld or Disneyland or both depending on the way that things turn out
-Unknown sight-seeing in the Charleston area or within the approximate area
-Trips to audition for graduate school- currently it looks like I will just need to make one trip... since I think I have brought my graduate schools down to two options (one of which does not require an on-campus audition?... still investigating)
What I have done:
-Slept in
-Watched a movie I have wanted to see for 9 years! *It was pretty good too!
-Spent time with Duke and Dutch, Melody's dogs
-Had a blast having the longest slumber party ever with Melody... which will continue for the next few months
-Got to meet some of my sister's colleagues and her students
-Attempted to play Mario Kart on the Wii... need a LOT more practice- although I do pretty well at comic relief currently
-Made Cheddar Broccoli Soup from scratch... I have done that before- but did it for the first time in South Carolina
-Had a TB test required for substituting... currently I think I am TB free!
-Applied for my initial teaching certificate and am continuing to get work done needed to eventually be a teacher
That is a quick update to summarize some of the reasoning behind why I am here and what I am doing... next time will probably be more detailed and less frazzled... then again, probably not since I tend to be scatterbrained...
Long story short- I am here, getting settled in, and optimistic about and excited for what the future will bring!
Recently I embarked on what I decided to title this blog, "Travels into the unknown." For the next few months of my life... and actually the next few years I do not have any solid concrete plans on what is going to happen in my life. I have found it to be invigorating and freeing. The past 4 and a half years I have scheduled, planned, and sketched out my life. I knew exactly where I would be and on occasion would add something spontaneous to it, but I had a clear direction and decision of where I was going.
Now all those plans have come to a close and the beginnings of some plans are coming into focus but the majority of the next part of this journey of life is blurry and uncertain.
What I'm thinking of/ planning...
-I plan on substituting in the district that my sister works in- gain more experience in the classroom with different ages. *bonus: I get to spend loads of time with my sister that I have not been able to do the past 4 1/2 years and I make some money in the process as well!
-I plan on filling out applications and auditioning for graduate school possibilities and trying to figure out where I am going to be next
-This next time of my life will be stretching and make me learn more about myself... I plan on going to church and making connections to new people in the area... I am going to be open to new things *blogging and sushi (somewhat nervous about the 2nd)
Other possibilities on the horizon... in process of planning:
-A trip to Florida is going to happen at some point in the future- the possibilities are SeaWorld or Disneyland or both depending on the way that things turn out
-Unknown sight-seeing in the Charleston area or within the approximate area
-Trips to audition for graduate school- currently it looks like I will just need to make one trip... since I think I have brought my graduate schools down to two options (one of which does not require an on-campus audition?... still investigating)
What I have done:
-Slept in
-Watched a movie I have wanted to see for 9 years! *It was pretty good too!
-Spent time with Duke and Dutch, Melody's dogs
-Had a blast having the longest slumber party ever with Melody... which will continue for the next few months
-Got to meet some of my sister's colleagues and her students
-Attempted to play Mario Kart on the Wii... need a LOT more practice- although I do pretty well at comic relief currently
-Made Cheddar Broccoli Soup from scratch... I have done that before- but did it for the first time in South Carolina
-Had a TB test required for substituting... currently I think I am TB free!
-Applied for my initial teaching certificate and am continuing to get work done needed to eventually be a teacher
That is a quick update to summarize some of the reasoning behind why I am here and what I am doing... next time will probably be more detailed and less frazzled... then again, probably not since I tend to be scatterbrained...
Long story short- I am here, getting settled in, and optimistic about and excited for what the future will bring!
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