Monday, February 17, 2014

Up to Day 16...

Week 2:

Day 8:
Breakfast: Eggs & Asparagus
Lunch: Panera Asian Sesame Chicken Salad modified
Dinner: Eggs, Asparagus & Sweet Potato
Extras: Coffee and Larabar

Today was a good day. The biggest highlight was probably going with Hannah to Pet Smart and picking up the newest addition to the house I live in, Avery. She is a chocolate lab and is very loving and affectionate.

Today food-wise- Had eggs a lot more than usual today, so I'm looking forward to more variety... have to plan to do so... the next few days. Also I picked up coffee beans today and was undercharged for them, so I need to go back to the store to pay the difference. Speaking of coffee I made my second batch of coconut creamer today... it already looks like more of a success than last week. Time will tell!

Day 9/10

Less about food and more about how I felt. So Day 9 I woke up not feeling the greatest- had a sore throat, slight headache (possible fever), and my digestion was off. I called to talk with my Mom and she was good to keep on track with Whole 30... when I really just wanted to get some processed medication that I was certain would magically fix everything. She also recommended less coconut... which means that after the coffee I had morning of day 9 I haven't had coffee and until I feel completely on the mend won't have coffee. I made soup and actually will probably make soup more often to use what vegetables are left at the end of each week.

Day 10, woke up feeling slightly better. Got some tea- made breakfast... went to school where I did have some ibuprofen. I probably will before I sleep as well. Tonight I did make some zucchini with beef and cauliflower filling that was tasty and I look forward to having again. Also there is talk of snow in the area so I may have a day this week, or at the least some extra time, to recuperate and get over this cold/flu/feeling awfulness that I've had. But hey, here's to sticking with it when all I want is chicken noodle soup, ginger ale, and still teaching (when I would just like to stay at home).

On a happy note/challenging note: I've been invited to go to NYC on Saturday. I am super excited, but that may mean that, snow dependent, I might need to ask for a substitute, and I will have to be creative in meals for 24+ hours and will have multiple temptations *ahem Starbucks* at every corner. On a positive note it's Wicked so I'm extra motivated to make it happen!

Days 11-16... School Days, NYC, etc

I am still Whole 30 Compliant... I managed to get Whole 30 approved meals in the city, and finished up planned meals from the week.

To be honest- right now I am exhausted... partly due to the fact that I was a bit stressed about trying to figure out where to go with lessons today, partly the trip is catching up. The show was great, but the weather was not the greatest and although I sleep alright on the bus I'm finding I could use better sleep in my own bed. I'll get there!

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